"No Lurielním, don't say such things." He said gently, putting the book aside and placing her on his lap

"He's scared! I don't want him to be lonely anymore, please I just want to see him smile." She spoke softly, tears continued spilling from her eyes "Why can't he be happy?"

"Please Lúthien, do not cry over this measly book. It isn't real." He pulled her close to him, wrapping his arms around her little frame.

"Then why do I feel so sad?" She attempted looking up at him, but he quickly placed his palm on the back of her head, holding it in place beneath his chin. God, he hated seeing her like this, it made him want to scream in rage. All he wanted was for her to be safe and well. And here she is sobbing over some book, he'd eventually have to burn it so Lúthien would never have to experience this again.

"Don't you ever say that again. Promise me you'll never go to darkness Lurielním...." she only responded with a few sniffles. Thranduil said, letting go of her so that he could get a good look at her face. Once he could regain his composure, he looked Lúthien in the eye, searching for conformation. "Promise me?" He asked wiping the final tear from her cheek.

"I promise."


                            ~6 months later~

It was nearly dawn when Lúthien had awaken from her surreal dream. She had fallen asleep at her desk, on top of her Dwarvish Literature book. One of the many things that came along with her exile was to learn variety of different languages. The candle that was lit had begun to dim, the wax melting with every passing minute.

Lúthien sat up sluggishly, pushing back the messy strands of hair that covered her face. After a few moments of sitting in silence, she finally decided to get up and start her chores early.

"Lizzie can you please fetch some eggs from the chicken coop."

"Lúthien already did that, the basket of eggs is on the counter. She even fed the chickens."

"Oh really? And the milk?"

"I'm assuming she already milked the cows because there's a fresh pale sitting right there, she even milked the goats too. Can you believe she's fed all the animals, Lúthien is one hard worker."

"Well how easy has she been up?"

"Well...I sort of promised her I wouldn't say..."

"Lizzie.." Loraine warned, placing her hands on her hips

"Ohhh okay fine. She said she's been up since before the sun."

"My word! That girl will tire herself out from working so hard!"

"She's not like humans mum, she's a lot stronger."

"And how do you know this?"

"She told me, the only reason she hasn't mentioned it is because she doesn't want to make Will and Peter look bad."

"She sure is disciplined that's for certain." Loraine said watching Lúthien carry two hay bales from the shack to the barn.

"Morning mum." Will came walking into the kitchen along with Peter, both of them seemed a little groggy.

"Now wha? You're just going to start waking up whenever you feel like it now?"

"Mum it's nearly ten, what are you going on about?"

"You're supposed to be up at seven and staring your chores! Lúthien has already finished yours, you numbskulls!"

"And she's almost down with hers." Lizzie cut in

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