Meeting The Mother

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My twin lived in a castle and she was a queen. She lived like a queen, spoke like a queen, and she looked exactly like. The only difference was she had no wings and no beauty. Even if she had no powers, she was powerful. She had the voice of a commander. She was dangerous but slightly alluring. I hid behind the door and made myself visible. I kept my facade up and talked to the woman. She looked shocked to see a younger version of herself talking to her, but not too shocked. She looked at me and said my name as if she knew exactly who I was.

I stared as I felt my magic slip away, glad I was alone with this woman. No one would know that I had revealed my true self. I asked her how she knew who I was. She told me that Gabriel had kept in contact after all the years to keep her updated on my progress. She told me he took me away when I was just a baby when I started to grow wings and glow with unearthly beauty. She told me my magic had started at a very young age. Most angel babies don't start to grow any wings or show powers until they are at least two years old. I had started to show signs at three months. That was why Gabriel had Tod me that she had died because she knew the consequences for breaking the rules.

This woman who I had never seen before was my mother but that could not be seeing as she was a human and she was alive. It was not true because my father was an angel and not just any angel, he was Gabriel. He was so close to God that his secret would have to have been known. My father could not have broken the rules the way this woman was saying that he had thirty-six years ago. I stared at the woman could not stop seeing the similarities between us. There were so many that it was hard to continue to convince myself that what she said was not true. It seemed that my father could keep secrets better than anyone. He had broken the rules and no one knew about it.

Gabriel had mated with a human and that human knew exactly what he was. He had told her so many secrets that angels held dear and didn't tell anyone. I finally realized that this woman in front of me was my biological mother and that I was stronger than the others because I was half angel and half human. My father had not wanted me to know the truth about my genealogy.

As I started to accept the truth, the truth that this woman was my mother, she showed me her truth. Gabriel knew nothing like this, there was no way he could. He was already clueless that no one knew this person was walking the Earth right under everyone's nose. She grew wings the color of death, a pitch black. She grew horns the color of ebony and they glowed with fire. Her skin was the color of blood, the same color of my suit that I had worn every day. The irony was that she was missing a layer of skin on her back and arms. Then I realized that my suit was literally this woman's skin. Her hair remained the same, but I saw and knew the truth.

This woman who had seduced my father to break every rule in the book, who lied to the subjects of her kingdom every single day. Whose servants were so terrified of their master that they refused to speak to or about her. This woman was something I was told to kill on sight but one hundred times worse. This was a lie hidden behind many doors and buried deep in many holes. This was the first angel to ever fall, who betrayed God so badly that He decided to punish everyone who sided with demons.

This demon was no demon though, this demon was the Devil. This was Lucifer himself who could take whatever appearance that pleased him. But this Lucifer was no man, she was a woman. Everything that we had been told about her had been true except that she was a woman. My mother is the Devil and I did not think it to be true until she said something that shook me to my very core. She told me that my purpose in this world and Heaven and Hell was a lot different than anyone had ever told me. I was powerful and could change the course of the war forever.

I don't know what I should have done but I know it wasn't run. To run was to show cowardice and being Gabriel's daughter, it was a sure fire way to get me disowned and laughed at. I didn't care anymore, I was terrified, and I had just seen Lucifer. No one prepared me for anything like that at any time in my entire existence. My father had already lied to me multiple times but this experience was just too much for me to handle. Not even time could heal this wound, it was too deep to heal.

No one saw me, I was already invisible, had been since I saw Lucifer. The terror in me stopped me from turning visible and having anybody seeing me. I was also confused about what she had said about my purpose. I was confused about how no one knew the truth about my lineage. I wondered how to be quiet about the truth of it all. What would happen if anyone found out about it? What is the truth about my purpose? Who was the enemy and who was the friend in this war?

I had to wait another two days to talk to my father about his lies because if I went back now I would Fall. Maybe Falling wouldn't be so bad, because then I would get to know my mother. My mother who was the Devil which no one knew about. It terrifies me to realize that my father had mated with the Devil but then I realized that I looked nothing like the man I had called my father for the last thirty-six years.

I flew and flew until I sensed my companions, I eventually found them at a human bar which I knew was not good. Human drink is a lot more potent than angel drink, they were both drunk and didn't even realize that I had come to get them. I finally realized that it was way too quiet for a human bar, which they took extremely seriously as a place to get drunk and be overly rowdy. I saw everyone staring at my companions and then I saw what was off. They were more beautiful than anything in the bar and their golden wings were lighting the dim scene. I was terrified because they knew what would happen to them since they had so many witnesses to their crime.

I asked them what the heck they were doing and they remained silent but began to look slightly ashamed at their mistake. I turned away in disgust and saw stairs to another floor. I walked up the stairs slowly afraid of what I would find at the top of that long and very creaky staircase. What I saw shocked me more than anything that I had seen that night. It shocked me more than seeing Lucifer, more than finding my mother after thirty-six years of thinking she was dead. It shocked me more than finding out I was different for a reason. I was shocked to find two naked women laying in a bed and smelling like they had just had an experience they would never forget.

I saw the mass destruction of my companions bad decision and realized that there was no way that God would not hear about this. There were too many witnesses and too many smells to cover. I realized that I would be going home triumphant and they would be stuck as a human for the rest of the time they had together. The two women would be married to them and they would never have a different opinion other than the one God's clean-up crew put in their heads, and of course I was going home alone.

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