The Bond Completed

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I paid for what I was getting for us to use, and hurried back to the room as fast as I could so he didn't get more nervous. I got back as soon as he got out of the shower and out of the bathroom. He had a towel wrapped around his waist but I could still see the top half of his body in all its muscular glory. I handed him his clothes to put on but I could not stop staring at him. He noticed that and so much more. He noticed the way my breath quickened, he noticed the way my heart sped up in my chest, and he especially noticed that I was drawn to him physically and sexually.

I needed to cool off, so I went to go take a shower. I had to walk past him though and the heat of his skin was almost too much for me to handle. I got past him and shut the bathroom door, and stripped my clothes off. As I took a shower, I wondered what it would be like to be with him. I cleaned up as best I could but I was still sore from healing him. I snagged another towel off the rack and wrapped it around myself, seeing as I had left my clothes in the room with him. He turned as I came out of the bathroom. He saw that I only had on a towel and froze. He had the same reaction to me that I had had to him, except that I could tell he wanted me by his erection. He tried to cover it up but I told him it was fine and leave it be.

I slowly walked toward him and both of our breaths quickened even more. I put a hand on his chest and he jumped, I guess he thought he was still in a dream. The touch brought him some proof that it was all real and that I was there with him. He froze and didn't know what to do next so I took control. I carefully put his arms over his head and removed the shirt that he had put on. Then I put my hand on his chest and pushed him slowly back until his legs hit the bed, where he sat down. He pants were still on but I didn't care, I crawled on to his lap and wrapped my legs around his chest. I slowly started to rock back and forth making him hard once again.

He groaned and tried to touch me but I wouldn't let him yet. This was my night to be in control, I needed the moment to belong to me and no one else. I craned my neck toward him to kiss him and he started to come forward but I pulled back teasing him. I knew he was getting impatient, but he needed to learn patience to change. I leaned forward again and finally caught his lip in a kiss. They were soft and voluminous, he was gentle at first but started to get more passionate as it went on. I climbed off of him so he could get the rest of the way undressed. He did so quickly and waited patiently for me to do the same. I was nervous and took a few seconds to breath and get control over myself, then unwrapped the towel. For the first time I naked in front of a man who was naked in front of me.

I realized then that I had forgotten about the tattoo on my chest above my heart, it was a broken heart waiting to be healed. He didn't care though, he was staring at me and only me, not the tattoo only my features. He saw the flames and tail of my dragon tattoo and asked if he could see it, I turned and he gasped in shock as he saw the mark that matched his. Then again in anger as he saw the mark of the whips and all the scars on my skin from years and years of abuse at the hands of Gabriel.

He was infuriated but I distracted him by walking back up to him and taking him into another kiss. I slowly crawled back onto his lap and stayed slightly raised above his penis. I teased him slightly by rubbing against it and he groaned while still kissing me. It was then that I finally let him touch me, he started by putting his hands on my side. Then he slowly moved on hand toward my breasts while the other slide toward my core. Then he moved his mouth slowly across my face toward my neck where he proceeded to put a hickey, then did the same thing to the other side. He slowly moved down my neck to my chest. I got back off his lap and tried to move away but he grabbed me before I could get out of his reach. He swung me back toward the bed and laid me down to where I was fully stretched out before him.

He climbed onto the bed and leaned over me but didn't touch me with a single part of his body. He kissed me this time and was the first to pull away as he slowly made his back down to my chest again. He used two fingers to play with one of my nipples, while his other hand found my clit and started to stroke it while I squirmed under him. He looked me in the eye while he took the nipple he had been playing with into his mouth while his hand went to work on the other one. His other hand slowly put one finger into my core while he still played with my tiny bud.
He pulled away from the nipple he had been sucking on and went to work on the other one. I was extremely close to the edge when he stopped completely. We were both breathing hard and his eyes gave away how extremely bad he wanted me. I couldn't wait any longer but I had to get him to the point I was at so I took him in my hand and slowly started to pump up and down while he lay there willingly letting me handle him as I was doing. He got there quickly because I couldn't wait that much longer for him to be inside me like I wanted.

I finally lay back down and he leaned over me once more. We kissed each and it was passionate, deep and satisfying. He positioned himself at my entrance and slowly pushed himself into me so I could adjust to him. When he was all the way inside of me, he waited so I could get used to him and then started to move slowly. I knew he wouldn't be able to go slowly for very long, He had waited too long already. As I wrapped my legs around him, he started to move faster. Soon I was on the verge of pure ecstasy, and when I came, I said his name for the first time since I found out what it was. Jake was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen, and he was the most graceful being I had ever met. Then I felt something hot go into me as he finally said my name in real life, which sent me over the edge again. He came at the same time that I did and I felt a burning sensation on my chest and on my hand. That was when I knew the bond had finally been completed. My heart was finally healed and I felt the ring of marriage and love on my finger as he felt his come as well.

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