Going Home

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I realized then that the more we got intimate, the more feathers changed from dark to light. I realized that love is what was changing him from bad to good and that we just have to accept demons for who they are. They weren't just monsters that had no feelings of compassion or love. They were beings like us who wanted to be accepted and when no one did they got angry. I came up with a plan right then to go back to Heaven and take Jake with me. I needed to show that they were not bad just lonely and unaccepted by those they used to call family and friends.

I told Jake my plan and he agreed because he knew the feeling himself and he had always felt out of place. Of course because he wanted to wait a couple of days to stay by ourselves. Then I told him about my house and said we could stay there because I knew how to block all sound and vision into my place to where no one could break it. We left Earth early the next morning and we went to Heaven and got pass the gates perfectly even though I wasn't sure he would or not. I guess the good in his heart outweighed the bad because he got through without any trouble. He gasped as he saw the city for the first time ever.

We got to my house as quickly as possible so we could get settled when I realized that someone was standing on the sidewalk. It was a guard to see if I would come back, so I hid Jake with magic and got pass the guard without too much hassle. He went to tell God and Gabriel I had come home, but I made him forget he saw me as soon as his back was turned. I wanted a few days to myself with Jake before I had to talk to God. We got in the house without another incident, then I put up the spells to give us privacy for the next few days. We didn't know what to do with the spare time so we just relaxed and talked.

We talked about my life and then I realized that I was ready to tell him some of the stories about my scars and my past. I told him every time I messed up or did something that Gabriel didn't like he took a whip or other instrument of pain to me. The scars are going to be there for the rest of my life because the tools were enchanted to where the wounds couldn't be removed or heal properly to teach a lesson. I also told him that my family was not the original family that I thought it was. I told Jake that my father was God and that my mother is the Devil. He looked shocked and then I explained how I was apparently created the same way as Adam and Eve at the beginning of time. I told him how my father had lied to me all this time allowed Gabriel to abuse me for years and never intervene, then I told him something no one else new.

I was not only abuse physically but also sexually by Gabriel for years and he wanted to have some control over me that no one else had until I was old enough to realize that he was angry at me for being so close to God while he would never have the same connection. Then I thought of something that had never occurred to me, Gabriel wasn't just a loyal follower of God he was in love with Him. He was gay and he didn't want anyone to know that his feelings go way beyond professional with my father.

I realized that Gabriel wanted to kill me and he didn't want me to end the war. Gabriel didn't want someone to change his life, he was fine and he would never have a natural soul mate like the rest of us. Then I realized he was in pain because he was ashamed, that was when I decided to sneak into Gabriel's house and take a look at his shoulder.

The Price of  a Halo (Costly Love Book 1)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt