Confusing Sickness

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Over the next two weeks, he began to tell me everything about him. His past and his hopes for the future. He told me where his scars came from and where he wanted to be in life. He told me what he wanted for his future. He told me that he was the way as me with problems that no one ever understood. He wanted someone to accept him for him and not for what he can offer. He wanted to live with me in Heaven and wanted me to be with him no matter where he was.

I listened intently and told him the same thing he told me, that I accepted him and I would never leave him for anything no matter what. I was possible and we were possible, I was free and so was he. We were no longer holding back secrets from each other and we were finally one with each other. We fell asleep next to each other each night finally at peace with the world and ourselves. I was happy and full of life, I was in love with the right person this time and he would be there forever.

I woke up one morning with the resolve to finally talk to my father about Gabriel and the truth and Jake agreed. He would be right by my side for support if I needed him. I would be strong and confident. I was feeling sick at the moment though and ran to the bathroom to throw up. I had never been sick a day in my life so I was really confused. I didn't want to scare Jake so I calmed down before I went back out there. I took a couple of deep breaths and swallowed my fear and thought logically.

I walked back out to the living room and we decided to walk to my father's Palace. I showed Jake all the landmarks and told him funny stories so we were both calm before we got there. When we got to the doors, they opened on their own and I walked through first and let then guard check my wings for purity. Jake came next and I sent a prayer to my father to let him know I needed Jake by my side. Jake made it through so I thanked my father and we walked up to the Palace of God.

The Price of  a Halo (Costly Love Book 1)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum