The Start Of Blue Falls

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Luna POV
I see my pack and Joy hiking around the forest as Ly told us to reach to the mountain but something is been bothering how does Joy know about Ly? I ask her "hey Joy sorry if I didn't introduce myself but I'm Luna Black leader of the pack of black. I have something odd I will ask you how do you know Ly?"
I smile because I felt like I was a help but I got off guard when Luna introduced herself which I felt important but then she ask me how I know Ly ? Should I tell her the true ? I looked at her and said" she was my hostage at my house " I see Luna getting upset "but I help her get some food and clean her however she was unconscious for a long time that she turn into blue crystal stone so you know anything about that Luna?"
Luna POV
When I heard that Ly was a hostage it made me mad and upset but when Joy told me she help her I felt uneasy if I can trust her but she ask me if I know the blue crystal that Ly turns unconscious all I can remember that Ly is a royal blue blood I told Joy " well I'm not sure what is Ly abilities but I overheard the lady of red that Ly is a Royal blue blood I don't know what that means. I never witnessed her power until today which I'm use too all I know she has good reflexes however I feel like she is important what do you think ?
I was thinking about myself what Luna said "royal blue blood?" Well what happen earlier with the guards one of them mention a aunt and murder a mother and father call her Lady blue my thoughts got interrupted by Luna question "what do you think ?" I look at her and response I don't know but I feel like she is a good person thanks to her everyone came out alive included Alec I wonder if he is awake

Everyone was quiet, all you can hear the nature sound birds chirping water dripping in small cracks of the road and Animals steps, Alec and Ly are still in unconscious we are about to hit night time. . .

Luna POV
The silence of us is something new it's getting colder each step we take night is creeping in so.I pause and scanned around my surroundings and I see a perfect place to rest so I turn around and shout "alright black we are going to rest over there so hurry up" Everyone rushing quickly but something got my attention it was something glowing up ahead and I got off guard when Vino shouted "Boss Alec is awake !" When I heard that I turn around and I saw him with a huge smile with his beautiful green eyes I can hear him shout "Luna!" I smile and I see joy walking ahead and something feel strange now there is three passages to go I don't know where to go and the glowing shadow I saw again And Joy keep walking ahead and...  "oh no.."
Something got my attention I saw a glowing figure just the one I saw before when Ly came in but it was a butterfly.. but this one is like a violet bluish but it's just a light.. hmm something doesn't feel right for some odd reason it seem only one passage to go to but now three passage appears and I hear Alec I'm glad he is awake and well but something tells me to keep walking ahead but it was a mistake I see violet eyes and the figure got closer and got on top of me it was a panther it growl. I was so scared I hear a whistle and I saw a person cover in back cape. I close my eyes..
All I could hear is Luna trying to put up a fight.. but the figure in black fight back.. but it went silent I was scared to open my eyes and then Luna said "Joy get up "
I open my eyes and the animal was off at me it was behind the black figure and it look at us with those eyes..
Luna POV
I see it's a trap and Joy fell for it a black panther got  on top of her and a whistle came along it had a similarity as Ly song I couldn't let Joy get killed by this animal so dash fast I use my strength to tackle the panther away from her but the black figure fight back at it. It shot violet fire balls at me I had to block them but the figure stop when it saw Ly.. I stop and observe and yelled at joy "get up!"

Black figure POV
I was sitting on a branch tree and I see people and animals walking towards the mountains. Strangers are not allowed to go to the mountains unless they are family of the blue falls. I put up a fight and called my partner Valencia she attack the girl with lavender hair I couldn't resist if grinning oh it's been a while for someone to come over here last time it was when she came.. I see this girl with gold eyes I believe she is the alpha of the group and try attack my Valencia so I use my power I throw my fire balls at her but she blocks them I was getting irritated and I was about to give her a worst one but I stop when I saw her.. it could it be her.. I walk closer and that girl with the gold eyes stops me and says "who the hell are you?? I looked at her and glare at her I wanted to see if is actually blue..  I walked closer
Luna & Joy POV
I see the black figure stop when he saw Ly, it stared moving forward I walked in front of it and said "who the hell are you ??" It just glare at me and keep walking towards Ly. I got up and ran hide behind Alec with Ly I see the black figure getting close to us I was scared I saw its hand reaching to Ly I push it  and a electric wave hit it and the hood fell off from its head it's a gray steel hair it's a boy. He is beautiful.. he got up and try place his hand in Ly head and his eyes glow into a blue and red purple color I couldn't tell.. but we just observe and he spoke "Monsters" And those words echo into our ears..
Black figure POV
The lavender girl gave me electric shock but I manage to place my hand on Blue head and visions came back to me when I first meant her it was in the mountains when she could control the waterfall and made it bluer like the sky and when she humming a song and she turn around with her long blue steel hair and different color eyes and smiled and she got up and looked at me and speak "Hi I'm Ly and you ?" I just looked at her and I hear a whistle
She looked at the direction of the waterfall and look at me back "I have to go " she dives in the waterfall and then I just keep seeing her passing through the forest and she looked at me and smile "hey!" I walked down to her direction with Valencia was still a cub and she is feisty with everyone except with me but with her was different she played around with her and she looked at me ask "what's your name ? " I looked at her and speak "I don't have a name and you shouldn't be close to " she ignore what I said and looked at me "what do you got by " I told her "well people call me the fire monster that's why you should be away from me !" I walked away and she kept walking behind me and stop and she climb up the tree
I looked at her and told her "Come down you are going to fall " she argue back "no I'm not ! " I climbed up and I try to reach her but I pull her hair it burn me I fell down and she fell down on top of me and I got a cut and she was perfectly fine, Ly looked at me and my wound and place her small soft hands on it and let it go and it was gone and she spoke and looked at me with those eyes "now are you going to tell me your real name ?" I looked at the ground "look I don't have one I was abandoned when I was little I live in here in the forest all my life" she looked down and got up and grab my hand and run we meet to the river to the waterfall and I yelled at her "are you crazy??? She looked at me and said "trust me !" We dash to the water and went through the waterfall and there was big rock blocking and she place her hand sing a song and it open it was dark but we get in and walk further...

It was a village with beautiful glowing blue flowers kids running around and man with silver hair with blue eyes
"Bluestoria where have you been ? I been looking for you " She looked at him "Zio how can my new friend be our family?" The man looked at me "well what's your name ?" I answer "I don't have one sir " he looked at me well come with me, we went to this white tree and said "go ahead and make the tree glow " I walked towards the tree and I didn't know how and I close my eyes and place my hand and I went to this secret camber it was a fountain of water and I kept walking and step something it was traps so I remember the song that Ly sing and hum to the melody I use my power of fire to control the wind to move the water wave to reach down the tree.  It successfully made it out I see a blue butterfly and next i knew I woke up and Ly said "Lazarus, that's your name do you like it ?" I looked at her with a blush expression and looked away and nod and smile...

Memories come rushing me but one memory made me feel useless when Ly was never found all could she her struggling with something and she looked different I remove my hand and looked at them "how do you know lady bluestoria...?

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