My Baby Boy

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Liam POV

Niall was laid in my lap nursing.
The doctor walked into the room with Zayn twenty minutes ago and started to tamper with Niall making sure he was going to recover well.

The doctor ended up aggravating Niall so much that he started to cry. And it had been a while since Niall had a bottle or anything so I decided to feed him.

Zayn was talking to the doctor asking about Niall's headspace and how they should go about him being at home. Niall had a little more color and was regaining. Once he was done I sat him up and he let out a few burps. I laid him back on the bed on his full tummy and rubbed his back.

I grabbed his dummy and put it in his mouth. He settled well and went to sleep looking exhausted. I checked his breathing and he was fine.

Zayn came back in and smiled lifting up a Harry who was starting to fuss.

Zayn: the doctor says that Niall is going to stay here until tomorrow night. And if he is still okay he can go home the day afterwards.

"That's good. I'm not letting him sleep by himself for a while."

Zayn: me either, our bed is big enough for all five of us to fit and still have space.

I nodded and kissed Niall's head. While Niall slept I stepped out of the room to call my mum and dad along with Zayn's parents.

After getting off the phone with them I walked back in to see Zayn trying to juggle a crying Louis and a sleepy Harry who was up due to Louis' crying.

I swooped in and grabbed Lou. His nappy was full and he was hungry once again so I grabbed a nappy along with wipes and made work of cleaning him up.

Once Louis' diaper was changed I took off his grow it had been a while since the twin did skin to skin with us so why not now.

I sat down and lifted my shirt, I managed to put Lou directly on my chest in a comfortable position where he could latch on and then I cradled him outside of the shirt. He made a little lump in my shirt but it was cute.

I looked at Zayn nodded my head. He put Harry under his shirt and cradled him. Harry was out within seconds with his dummy between his lips.

Within this moment I really appreciated the relaxing sound of quietness.

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