Toddler Troubles

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Zayn POV

Waking up at two in the morning is not fun. I woke up to Niall crying. I got up and walked out of the room and opened his door wide to see him sitting up with vomit all around him.

"Baba, no feel good." He cried to me.

"What's wrong Ni?"

Niall: Thwoat huwt, tiwed, and cowd.

I turned on his light and walked to his bathroom to start a warm bath. I then walked back to him and pulled the footie off of his cold body.

I shushed him with a dummy and brought him to the changing table to clean his messed bum. Once finished I threw the nappy away and brought him to the bath.

I laid him in it and turned the water off. His body relaxed and he stopped shivering.

Once he was all the way in the water I washed his body and pulled him out. I dried him off and brushed his teeth. After his mouth was all minty I renappied him and slipped him into a paw patrol footie and clipped a chase dummy on to the footie.

I slipped the dummy into his mouth and walked downstairs to the kitchen with him on my hip, to give him a bottle.

Of course he only drank breast milk, which was provided by Liam.

Niall: Baba, wan chocowate milky.

"Okay Babe, can you sit in your chair."

With that request he started to whine. He didn't want to be put down. I shushed him again and held him with one arm under his bum as he laid his head on my shoulder.

I grabbed a bottle out of the fridge and placed it in the bottle a warmer. After five minutes the bottle was the perfect temperature.

Once out of the warmer I opened the bottle and put a scoop of chocolate powder in it and shook it up.

I handed it to Niall and he placed the teat in his mouth and started to suckle loudly.

I rubbed his back as he kept his head on my shoulder as he drank. I walked up to the twins Harry and Louis' room.

They both were passed out sucking on dummies and mumbling incoherent things.

I closed the door back and walked to Liam and I's room. Liam was sound asleep.

I sat back down on the bed and rocked Niall in my arms. Once he finished the bottle I replaced it with the dummy and burped him.

Afterwards I laid him between Liam and I and cuddle him. I was out too.

-------later in the day---------

I woke up again to the twins crying. Liam was out of the bed but Niall was still sleeping.

I tucked the blankets around him and got out of the bed. Liam was in the twins room changing Louis who was crying, while Harry was in his crib crying.

I walked into the room and pulled Harry into my arms.

"Why are you crying bub."

He didn't say anything he just started to suckle on my collarbone.

"So you are just hungry little one."

Harry continued to fuss. I walked out the room and grabbed a bottle from the fridge.

I warmed it and placed it in Harry's mouth. He quieted down and I placed him in a swing.

Liam cam out with Louis nursing from his chest and sat down. I heard a crying from upstairs and ran to get a sick Niall.

Once I had him in my arms he quieted down and started to suckle on his dummy.

He cuddled in to me and I draped a blanket over him. I walked downstairs and all hell broke loose.

Louis was fussing because Liam was switching him to his other nipple and Harry was getting restless.

Niall started to groan and whine. I laid him on the sofa and he busted out crying.

I grabbed Harry from the swing and covered him with a blanket and burped him then laid him down in a bouncer and turned it on.

It put him to sleep and then I turned to a crying Niall I lifted him into my arms and walked to the kitchen I gave I'm some medicine and got another bottle ready to soothe his throat.

I placed the nipple in his mouth and walked back to the living room. I cradled him and and held the bottle.

Once he finished I replaced the bottle and laid him across my lap. I pat his back to burp him and rocked my legs side to side to soothe him to sleep.

Soon he was asleep and so were the twin. I grabbed Louis from Liam and cradled him above Niall. Liam went to the kitchen to get breakfast for he and I.

Wassup up new book I love it already. This chapter is kinda short but think of it as an intro of whatever. UNTIL NEXT TIME BYEEEEEE

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