The Ickies Are No Fun

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Zayn POV

The twins are sick and thankfully Ni is not here to catch the little bug they have. Niall is with my mum.

Harry is fussy and clingy, while Louis just cries and won't sleep. Liam and I have been up since three in the morning tendind to them.

Harry is currently down for his nap after a good feeding. He will only sleep if he is in someone's arms so I have to hold him while he sleeps.

Liam is trying to get Louis to nurse and I know he is successful when I hear Lou's cries stop. He is already very tiny so him not eating would have made his little bug worse.

After Louis finished nursing I took him into my arms as well so Li could go take a shower and get some rest.

Harry was already sleeping with a dummy firm in his mouth so I sat down and laid him across my lap and put Louis on my shoulder and burped him.

After the air was out I pushed a dummy in his mouth. He was already starting to fussy so I quickly started to rock him and pat his nappy covered bum.

He started to fuss in his sleep so I laid him on my chest and rocked him. Liam came downstairs and grabbed Louis going to bed with him.

Harry woke up right when Li left out and started to cry.

"Hazza whats wrong baby?"

His diaper wasn't used and he just was fed. I started to rub his tummy after rubbing his tummy for a minute he quieted down.

I felt his diaper and he had let out a load. I quickly ran to the nursery before it leaked.

He laid there quietly sucking on his thumb as I changed him. When I finished I swapped his thumb for a dummy and rocked him back to sleep.

I passed by the room and Liam was passed out with Louis on the side of him with Liam's right nipple in his mouth.

Liam had his arm around Lou and held him close. Harry snuggled deeper into my neck and I closed the room door making my way back into the living room.

I laid down on the sofa and lifted my shirt over Harry so that he was on my chest and my shirt was his blanket.

I pulled the throw blanket from the sofa and covered us up with it going to sleep.

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