Chapter 26

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Robin did not know what to do. She thought about what had just happened and despite her hunger felt she would be unable to eat. So she went to her room. She supposed she would have to explain herself to Felicity eventually but for now Robin just needed to be alone. She dodged an elf in the hallway without looking to see who it was. If she had raised her gaze she would have made eye contact with Michio, who was hurrying in the opposite direction. However she continued oblivious to who she just passed, and unaware of his stare following her retreat.

When she finally reached her room Robin ran to the bed, slamming the door behind her, with the intention of flinging herself onto the soft mattress and going to sleep. But instead she found a roll of vellum and a small parchment note reading: basil, catgrass, dill, and thyme. Looking between the note and the vellum Robin's tired game slowly pieced together what she was expected to do. So she gathered up the vellum and tucked it into her sash. Then she grasped the note and debated leaving right then or eating first.

Her grumbling stomach eventually won out and Robin made her way to the mess hall. She ate quickly hoping to avoid conversation, this time she was successful and was soon on her way outside. She wasn't sure what time it was, but she thought it was around early morning, shrugging to herself Robin figured she would know for sure when she reached the entrence. As she walked Robin wondered where to find the other herbs on the list, the thyme she knew was by the drop off and therefore easy to find, but the other three would be harder. She didn't have time to wonder long however, as she reached the door leading to the field Robin found Michio blocking her path.

"Robin, look. I know how things look to you but you need to think about this." Confused Robin looked at Michio, "what?"

"The book, you read about me in the book didn't you?" Robin studied the dark-eyed elf blocking her way and a realization came crashing down. Michio thought she was going to leave the elves because of what she read. Though the thought had initially crossed her mind Robin decided against it seeing as she needed to be in the community to help Felicity and Lokar. So she just shook her head and explained. "Look Michio, I read about you in the book, and I don't know if I will ever be able to look at you agian. But that's not why I'm leaving. Felicity has been teaching me about herbs and I'm supposed to identify and collect a sample of these four." Robin waved the list in front of his eyes as she spoke. For a second she thought she saw suspicion in his gaze but it soon disappeared. With one last statement Michio stepped aside, "no one else needs to know what you read Robin."

Glancing back at him Robin just nodded and ran out the door heading into the forest. She was correct when she estimated late morning, the sun was barely above the tree line and dew was still heavy on the grass. As she was walking through the undergrowth Robin found remembering the location of herbs to be much easier. And soon had samples of everything except the thyme. So she started walking to the meeting place. She slowed and looked around as she arrived but saw no sign of Lokar, or any other elf. So she walked up to the tree and started to place her tiny scroll inside. Then something made her stop. Looking around her once more Robin held the vellum closely and opened it. The writing inside was clear and easy to make out. A single word.


Excited Robin rerolled the small scrap and placed it inside the trunk. Then she picked up a stick that looked like the one Lokar had showed her and leaned it against the tree. Finally she broke off a small piece of thyme and started to make her way back to the elves. Everything was happening tonight. And she would finally get her revenge. For a moment a memory flashed through her mind, Lucas telling her to never give in to revenge. But she pushed it aside, she would have nothing to do with him, not since she found out about his past. Robin's steps faltered for a moment, his past included his family being killed by his own community. Sighing Robin continued walking until she reached the entrance. For a moment she didn't want to go in, but having no where else to go she opened the hidden entrence.

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