Dancing pictures

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"Anna! Point your back foot during the calypso. Your foot looked like a dead fish that last run!" My coach screamed from her chair at the front of the room. Stifled giggles rang out among the girls. I nodded and returned to the starting position. The music began again and I ran through the routine full out. Leaping and twisting to the rhythm.

The music ended three minutes later. I stood there panting slightly. Sweat dripped from my forehead. I looked to my coach for feedback and she stood and clapped.

"Phenomenal." she grinned. "that was perfect." I smiled brightly and jumped in success. I had finally achieved a perfect run. I ran up to her and hugged her. She hugged me back lightly as she chuckled.

"Thank you!" I stood there grinning. The girls all swarmed around me, gushing with comments and compliments.

"Ok girls! Class is over please pack up your things and get out. I want to be here no longer than 5:15 if anyone is left over after that. I will be pissed. It is Taco Tuesday and I want my tacos." My coach chuckled as well as the girls. We all parted our desperate ways to change and gather our things.

I sauntered over to my belongings and grabbed my sweatpants and tank top to change into. As soon as I changed I stuffed the rest of my things into my bag except my sketch book and pencil. I zipped my duffel closed and slung it on my shoulder.

"Anna? would you mind moving the chairs back into the corner where they were?"

"Sure thing Mrs. Kay."

I began stacking the chairs and moving them to the corner leaving my things on the opposite wall. I heard the door open and the girls go quiet. I glanced back and saw a boy walking in and towards Mrs. Kay. I finished up my task and headed back to my things.

"Oh and Anna. A word?"

I nodded and grabbed my things to walk back over to her. She had started a conversation with the boy during this time and I joined in on the tail end.

"And you have experience with sound systems?"

"Yes ma'am I do."

"Ok. Well I'm sure we will see how well you can manage at our next rehearsal." she turned to me. "Annalise this is Clark. Clark this is Annalise."

"Hi. It's nice to meet you." I said quietly looking at the ground. Not wanting to make eye contact.

"Same. So I will see you all tomorrow?"

"Ah yes at 3:30 sharp." She replied.

"Will do ma'am. Pleasure to meet you Mrs. Kay."

"Goodbye Clark." he nodded and walked away. I glanced at him and then back at Mrs. Kay.

"Who is he?"

"He's our new sound system operator. Or DJ as you all call it these days."

"Ummmm ok. Well I will see you tomorrow Mrs. Kay."

"Goodbye Anna."

I walked out the front of the studio to my awaiting vehicle. A silver Hyundai Sante Fe. I hopped in the drivers side to head to my normal after-dance destination. The park. I usually sat there for an hour everyday just drawing random people or drawing the scenery. it was my alone time for the day.

Ten minutes later I arrive at the small quaint park and get out of my car with my sketch book and pencils as well as a camera in my possession. I wandered over to a different spot each day. Today's spot was a small dirt spot under a tree near the volleyball area and the playground. I put a jacket down to sit on and slid into a comfortable position to draw. Soon I began drawing little figures and characters.

I sat there for what seemed like half an hour. My butt started to get numb so I changed position. and set my sketch pad aside where I had just filled two pages full of drawings. I sat back and closed my eyes, resting for a moment. I must have dozed off because I was soon shaken slightly on the shoulder. I jumped slightly and snapped my eyes open. I looked up at the person who shook me awake.


"Hi. Um. Annalise right?"

I nodded.

"You fell asleep about half an hour ago. I just wanted to wake you up in case you needed to be somewhere. Oh and your drawing is really good." He said the last part quietly. My eyes widened slightly.

"Oh umm well.....thanks. And thank you for waking me up I actually do need to get home."

"No problem. See you tomorrow then."

"Yeah. Bye." I waved a small wave as he walked away. I sighed and stood up and gathered my things. I walked back to my car and headed home.


I sat in my room after eating dinner with my dad. I was working on my doodles from earlier. I thought about what happened at the studio and at the park earlier in the day. The strangeness of Clark being at both places just as she happened to be there as well. A knock at a the door snapped me from my thoughts.

"Come in!"

My dad poked his head in the door.

"Hey Anna. Do you need anything?"

"Nope. I think I'm good for now."

"Okie dokie just making sure. I'm going to bed."

"Okay goodnight dad."


He closed the door leaving me to my thoughts once again. Why was he at the park and why did he watch me fall asleep?

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