Hopeful strings

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Anna's p.o.v.

After I had gotten home I changed into a tank top and shorts along with a cardigan. I wandered into the kitchen and made hot chocolate. Suddenly I heard the buzzing of my phone from my bag on the counter. I dug it out as the water for the hot chocolate was heating up. It was a text from a number I didn't recognize. I opened the message and automatically knew it was Clark.

Clark: Hey little dancer.

I was shocked. After the way I had acted, I thought he wouldn't talk to me. Then again I overthink things and try to expect other peoples feelings without thinking about my actions. I am thinking about this entirely too much.

Anna: hi

C: Why'd you leave so fast?

I quickly thought up a little excuse. It made me feel a little guilty but I didn't want him to know why exactly.

A: I'm sorry. I had to get home.

C: Oh okay. Are you okay?

Crap. I guess he had noticed that I was upset. I had slipped up. I was usually good at hiding that I was upset.

A: I'm fine.

C: Okay just wanted to make sure. You seemed a little upset right before you left.

It was kind of him to make sure I was okay. Maybe I had been over-analyzing the situation.

A: Well, thanks. I guess..... I had a little bit of a headache so I might have

been a little moody.

C: Ohhhh well I'll see you tomorrow then?

A: Yeah. Have a good night.

C: Goodnight little dancer.

The last text had me grinning but also a little shocked. He had a nickname for me. It was tolerable to say the least, but I had never had a nickname other than what my friend Danny called me, which was either zombie or Lise. I never did text back because I felt it would have been awkward. I laid back on my bed and sighed. My phone began playing the song Honey I'm Good by Andy Grammar which was my best friend, Regan's , ringtone.


"I'm back, and I'm coming over now. Have the hot chocolate ready."

"Aye aye captain. See you soon."

I hung up and rolled off my bed clumsily and landed on the floor with a thud. I groaned and stood up and headed into the kitchen. As I was making the hot chocolate the front door opened.

"Honey I'm home!" A familiar voice shouted from the hallway.

"In the kitchen dear!" I called back dropping marshmallows into the hot chocolate.

"Well hello darling. How are you this fine evening?" She said dramatically walking into the kitchen. I glanced up at her. She had gotten tanner since the last time I saw her. Her hair was a lighter shade of dirty blonde and her skin was flawless as usual. She jumped up and sat on the island.

"Confused and happy at the same time." I replied opening the fridge to find the whipped cream.

"Ooooo do tell."

"Well I met someone a few days ago." I grabbed the can and walked back over to the two mugs. I sprayed a decent amount on both of them before returning the can to the fridge.

"Someone? As in a boy?" Her eyes widened. I blushed slightly and avoided her direct stare. "Oh my god! You met a guy! What's his name? How did you meet him?"

"Calm down woman!" I handed her one of the mugs and began walking back to my bedroom. She followed close behind. "His name is Clark. He works at the dance studio as the DJ"

"Full name dammit."

"Clark Jennings."

"No freaking way!"


"The Clark Jennings?! As in musical prodigy and super genius and hot Clark Jennings?"

"I guess so. He's kinda dorky."

"I can't believe I missed this! So what did you two do?"

"Ummmm well we ran into each other at the arts and crafts store and then we went to lunch together before we had to go to dance class, and then he followed me to the park where we sat together talking as I drew. Oh but the first day I had met him was when he went in to talk to Mrs.Kay and we ran into each other at the park after I had fallen asleep and he woke me up." I babbled for quite a bit. "But I thought I messed up when I left quickly from the park and almost started crying in front of him because of my social awkwardness."

"Yeah we need to work on that."

"Oh and he texted me a little while ago."


"Keep it down! You're gonna wake up the entire neighborhood."

"But you have his number?!"

"Yeah. He asked for it."

"You lucky son of a bitch!"

"Language Regan. Language."

"Oh let me have my moment. What did he say?"

"That he was worried about me since I left quickly and that he'll see me tomorrow. He also gave me a nickname....." I said the last part quietly.

"A nickname? Like what?" I picked up my phone and pulled up our conversation and showed her the last message he sent me. "Awwwwweeeee. That's so cute!"

"Yeah I guess. But hopefully I don't mess this up."

"Don't worry. You'll be fine."

"I hope so"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2015 ⏰

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