Chapter 7: photo album #2

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           "well...." Everyone stared at him......(your now imagining a hetalia theme song)
            =America's flashback=
"HEY SPAIN! CAN I TALK TO YOU FOR A WHILE?! IT'S VERY IMPORTANT!!!" Spain looked at him confused as he finishes munching his tomato "what is it America?" "I need you juicy and fine tomatoes my friend!" Spain sighed " I'll pack the finest tomatoes.." He turned to the corner and America lost sight of him. He gazed upon the clouds then, he heard laughing of little kids "hey! Give me back my tomato!" "After you ate my mango without asking my-" " GIVE ME BACK MY FREAKIN' TOMATO!!" Though the American can hear them, but cannot see them until "AAAAAAHHHHHH HELP ME!!!" The little girl ran to him and hugged him "that idjot is chasing after me!" " IM GONNA KILL YOU BASTARD!!" The little boy was holding a plower and swinging it around" America quickly carried the little girl,as the little boy comes closer "HEY!" the little boy dropped the plower "what's happening here??" Spain held a sack of tomatoes "PAPA!!...."she jumps down at America's arms and hid at the back of Spain " papa?" America thought "KUYA ROMANO IS TRYING TO STAB ME WITH YOUR PLOWER!!" "WELL STUPID PHILI STOLE MY TOMATO!" They both stick out their tongues.Spain pushes them away from each other and points at America "haven't I told you?........ Manners!" The boy and girl apologizes to spain but not each other, they even glared at Spain's back spain looks at philippines and points his head to America "aren't you going to say something to kuya America phili?" The filipina showed an anxious look, she stepped forward "umm... I'm so sorry for a while ago.." the American blushed and paused for a while "huh? I- no! its okay! You don't need to apologize!.." She ran backed to spain but he still was looking at her "HAHA. DOES THIS PLACE SMELL LIKE GUYS OR IS IT JUST ME?!!" She tried to change the subject "Okay..." Spain wipes off the dust from his pants and picks up his tomato sack "...... Here are the tomatoes you've asked for.." "Uh-..yes! Thank you..."spain looked at the girl and boy "hoy! Both of you! Your grounded! So you'll be sleeping together in Roma's room" they both were shocked " you fucking bastard!!!" "Nakakainis talaga!!" They crossed their arms "hey! Go now!" They left, stomping "umm.." America looked at the girl "hm?" Spain looked innocent-like "who's that girl who hugged me?" "Oh that's philippines... Aka: maria. She's 8 yrs old" "oh, I see.." America picks up the sack "well... See ya...bye.." And he left " what was that all about?" Spain was confused. "8 years old..." America thought. On his years, he was still 11 yrs old "she so cute and small.......she's like a teddy bear" he started to daydream about her until.."oof!" He bumped into his boss "uh-uh boss!! Uhmm here are the tomatoes you've asked for.." His boss looked suspicious  "So you're dreaming about this girl huh?" America blushed "huh?! N-no! I wasn't thinking of her! How would you know?!" His boss raised his eyebrow " you know.. You can have her...." America was shocked "wait, what?" "You can have her if you can get her away from spain.." "Y-you can do that?!" "We are running out of money so I need your help from her.. Here's the envelope you need to give from spain, if you give it to him and let him sign it, you can have her but, if you won't..." He looked at America ferociously "...the deal's off" he left. the American looked at the envelope and remembered his words "if you wont give this envelope the deal's off.." "What am I going to do? If I get her, spain will be sad. But if won't get her, we'll run out of money!" He looked at the sack of tomatoes, and it hit him. He tore down the envelope and ran back to Spain's house.

                         The doors were shut "he never shuts his doors on an afternoon!" He thought, he repeatedly bangs the door and shouts his name "HEY SPAIN!! OPEN UP THE DOOR!!" Then he heard flustering voices "hoy! Anong gagawin mo?! Bitawan mo ako!!" "What are you doing to phili?!" "Get those bastards you bastard!!" He pressed his ear to the door, "we'll be leaving soon, so finish your last chance to talk to her.." His eyes widened "bo-" the door hit him falling on the ground as it opens, he saw his soldiers lining up bringing philippines ranting "LET ME GO YOU LOSERS!!" He saw spain and romano; confused and crying "I'd never want this to happen..." The doors were shut again

"Wh-what did I just do?!" "Well you wanted her...." His boss glared at him smiling "THANK YOU BOSS!! SO MUCH!!!" He hugged him excitedly "wh-what the heck!!??? BEHAVE!!" "s-sorry..." "You know what America...." England interrupted his story " your a complete idiot on your childhood life and even now you know?!" He said sarcastically and flicks America's forehead "ow!" "So what happened aru?" "Well..... she didn't get use to it until... Later on..." "Where's Italy and Japan?" Germany looked sideways "there, sleeping with philippines" russia pointed "no one goes near here but me!" America gets the blanket and tucked in between italy and Philippines "goodnight! Sleep tight! Don't let the bed bugs bite!"he then fell asleep "if America is sleeping too, then i would.." France slept on Philippines's left "then i would sleep too so i wont be tired to fight on the next morning...." England pushed france and slept beside her instead "hey! What gives?!" England paused and stared at france "I know your life you bloody pervert!.... Well, goodnight.." England blushed profusely and hides under the blanket "bonne nuit!" And hugged the English man "*yawn* if you're going to sleep aru im sleeping too.." China flops to Japan's side "I got dibs on sleeping beside yao!" Russia then sleeps beside him "how about you Germany?" China asked " I think ill stay for a little longer.." He returns the photo album and sleeps on the couch (your now imagining a hetalia ending theme song) England opens his eyes slowly, he saw philippines shaking and speechless "what?" He felt something under the blanket and squished it, Philippines blushed angrily. England look down to see that he was squishing Philippines's boobs. he blushed profusely and was speechless. At first he paused for a while then it hit him...... "AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!"they both screamed.
Continued on next chapter

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