"Shh. We don't want Ethan to hear us." I pecked his lips again then walked to his bedroom door and locked it.

I walked back over to him and told him to stand up, which he did, then I slowly slid off his belt and set it behind me on Grayson's bed. I then unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans, sliding them down his legs and sitting on the edge of his bed. "Wait." He kicked off his jeans and then leaned over to kiss me. "You don't have to if you don't want to."

"Babe. I want to." He smiled and kissed me again before letting me slowly pull down his Calvin Klein's and them pooling around his ankles.

I grabbed his member and started licking the tip, making him groan and grab my hair, pushing it away from my face.

I spit on his dick and started pumping him with my hand, hearing his soft groans fill my ears.

"Hey bro, do you know where I put my belt?" Ethan said from outside the door. I smirked and started deep throwing Grayson knowing he'd have to keep his composure.

"No. It's your belt." Grayson answered with attitude making me smile while my eyes welled up from my gag reflex.

"Well can you help me find it?" He tried wiggling the doorknob but it wouldn't open.

"Not exactly." He started breathing heavy and I slowed down, making him last longer.

"You're an ass." I heard his footsteps walk back down the hallway and used my hand to pump his dick again.

"Baby, oh my god." He whispered and I smirked at how easily he was pleasured.

I put my mouth back on his dick and he thrusted his hips back and forth making me gag from his tip hitting my gag reflex.

"Fuck fuck fuck." His dick twitched and I felt his load hit the back of my throat, so I swallowed immediately. "You're so good, Baby."

I smiled and grabbed the belt and walked out of Grayson's room to see if that belt was his.

"Do you know where I put it?" Ethan asked and I handed the belt to him.

"Grayson was wearing it."

"'I don't know' my ass. How you get him to take it off?" I smirked and blushed slightly, his expression dropping.

"I have my ways."

"Oh my god that's why his door was locked! Ew!" I laughed and Grayson walked down the hallway scratching the back of his head, his bicep sticking out. "So I was right there while you were sucking him off?!"

Grayson laughed and patted Ethan on the shoulder. "You make it sound worse than it really is." I said as I leaned my elbows on the counter.

"And trust me, it wasn't bad at all." Grayson winked at me and opened up the fridge.

"Do you talk like that around Ally? No? Then don't talk about it around me." Ethan stomped out of the kitchen and into his room.

"Let's make dinner instead of ordering from Postmates like always." I said as I walked up to Grayson and wrapped m arms around him from behind.

"Okay then we have to go to the store."


Grayson and I got back to the house and Ethan came out to help with the grocery bags.

We walked inside and I washed my the hand that wasn't in a cast.

Grayson set out the food we bought for dinner and I grabbed a pot for the spaghetti noodles, filling it with water. "Babe, be careful." Grayson saw me struggling to carry the pot to the stove and held it at the bottom so it wouldn't fall.

"Thank you." I kissed his lips and he laid out chicken breasts on a tray then put on cheese and sauce and I seasoned them.

"This looks so good, oh my god." Grayson groaned and put the tray into the oven, turning it on and setting the time.

I poured the pasta into the pot once the water started to boil and stirred a little so all of the noodles would be saturated. "You're such a good cook. I need to wife you up." Grayson said and kissed my cheek.

"You really do, then I can teach you how to cook." I smiled and leaned up against the counter.

"Can I tell you something that's been on my mind a bit today?" He walked closer to me and put his hands around my waist.

"Of course, Gray. You can tell me anything." I looked up at him and he sighed.

"I'm nervous about how the fans are gonna feel while we take this break. I don't ever want to disappoint them."

"Hey. They'll understand. You're gonna be back, and when you do, things will be much better. But as for now, I'm gonna be right here giving you kisses whenever you need them." I smiled and his sorrow eyes looking into mine.

"I need a kiss." He pouted which made me smile again, so I pulled him into me and kissed his lips slowly. "You're the best." He said before kissing me again.

"You don't need to worry, Gray." He smiled and then wrapped his arms around me, so I stood up and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I'm so glad you're mine. Like I get to wake up with you, fall asleep with you, cook with you clean with you." He said softly in my ear. "In the future have sex with you." He whispered which made me smile. "Have kids with you."

"Get married to you." I added and ran my fingers through his hair. "That is if you want to get married."

"Of course I want to get married. Especially to this girl I'm really into right now. She has beautiful green eyes, and her smile makes me want to kiss her and never stop. And her body... her body is to die for." I felt my cheeks heat up signaling a blush was coming.

"Am I crazy for thinking about this so soon?"

"Yes. But that makes me crazy too." He pecked my lips, then pulled me to the purple couch and grabbed my donut so we could both sit down.

Grayson put my legs on his lap and I laid my head on his chest, surprised that I actually got comfortable. "We have two weeks left with each other until school starts again." I said and he put his hand on my thigh rubbing his thumb over my bare leg.

"This summer has gone by so fast."

"It's been a crazy summer, but I'm glad it was with you." I said and looked up at his beautiful facial features like his beautiful smile and slight dimples that formed. "I love you, Gray."

My heart was beating fast and he chuckled, then slowly leaned in to kiss me. "I love you too."

Anonymous (Grayson Dolan)Where stories live. Discover now