He looks at me funny. “It’s alright Harry, because I approve. She’s pretty and she’s definitely your type. I’m sure she doesn’t mind being stalked, anyway.” He says before laughing at his own joke.

“I’m not stalking her! I’ve just watched every video of hers, tweet her, and accidentally run into her at Disneyland. No big deal.”

“Yeah sure, let’s go find the boys.”


As soon as we find the boys, which takes a lot longer than we expected, we head back to our hotel room that we all shared. Our managers gave us a schedule of when we could be out in publec, which meaans that after spending four hours at Disneyland, we had to come back for a while.

“Hey Lou, when is El coming?” Danielle asks. “I need a girl here to keep me company.” Liam fakes a hurt face and she just rolls her eyes.

“Not until tomorrow night.” Louis answers.

“Ugh! That’s so far away!”

“Why don’t you call those girls we met today?” Liam suggests. I perked up; I wonder if it was Presley. No, that's ridiculous.

“They're probably not going to be done for a long time, but I'll text them..” She grabs her phone and walked out of the room. A couple minutes later she came back in. “They’re going to go the beach when they're done, which should be in a few hours, is it fine if I join them?” She asks Liam.

“Yeah it’s fine. Don’t get lost, you want me to come?” He asks.

"Hey Liam, your over-protective side is showing." Niall says and I smirk.

“I think I’ll be fine.” She pecks his lips and goes into her room.

 As soon as we heard her door shut, Louis shouts, “Harry’s stalking a girl he knocked down today!”

“Shut up Lou!!” I chucked a pillow at his head.

"What does that even mean?" Zayn asks.

"It means that Harry's been stalking a girl, and he just so happened to find her at Disneyland today." Louis says.

“Why’d you knock her down?” Niall asks

“I didn’t mean to!”

“Why are you stalking her?” Zayn asks.

“’Cause he looooves her!” Louis says.

“Ignore him.” I say. “I don’t stalk her.”

“You just watch all her videos, tweet her, and ‘accidentally’ run into her at Disneyland. No big deal.” Louis says, putting quotations around accidentally.

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