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Jesus strolled into the trailer, Daryl stalking slowly in behind him shutting the door. Jesus relished in the cool air, inhaling sharply. He turned around to face the other man crossing his arms and cocking his eyebrow slightly, Daryl keeping eye contact. 

"Make yerself at home I guess." Daryl shrugged, walking over to his makeshift liquor cabinet pulling out a half empty bottle of dark rum. He opened the bottle and took a swig, holding it out to Jesus as a gesture of kindness. Jesus shook his head and a small smile tugged at his lips as he sat himself on an old leather couch that smelled of nicotine and whisky - Like Daryl. Daryl wasn't far behind the other man as he sat next to him and slouched back into the couch.

Jesus questioned, "So, why exactly did you invite me inside, not that I don't mind, but I've always gotten a "I don't like you stay away from me" vibe from you." The statement earned a light chuckle from Daryl, and a confused head tilt from the other man. 

"Is not that I don' like ya, ask Rick, I was like that with em too. I jus needa warm up to ya, thas all." His accent grew thicker with every word that lingered from his mouth. Jesus cocked a grin and shuffled around on the couch, attempting to get comfortable. 

Jesus nodded, "I see..."

The rest of the night was spent exchanging stories and laughs. They enjoyed each other's company, in fact they reveled in it, savoring every moment they shared together. By the end of the night, Daryl had persuaded Jesus into spending the night, his excuse being it was late anyways and he'd cook breakfast for him in the morning. Jesus complied taking up residency on the couch, Daryl supplying him with a blanket and pillow. 

Jesus was sleeping soundly, soft snores came from his direction, his right arm drooping off the couch. Suddenly there came a scream and a soft sob from the other room. Jesus was quick, bolting into Daryl's room. Daryl sat, hands covering his eyes, in a feverish sweat. 

Jesus ran towards Daryl, his arms outstretched, "Hey, you're okay sweetheart, I'm here, I'm here." His voice still groggy with sleep, he wrapped himself around the bigger man. Daryl pulled away roughly, before leaning into the touch, sobbing into Jesus' chest. Jesus had never seen this burly, strong man look so small and innocent. 

"Whats wrong, what happened?" Jesus cooed. 

Daryl sniffed looking Jesus in the eye, "Ju-jus a dre-eam," he was shaking violently now. "M-my brother - h-he was beatin' me, he was boutta sh-hoot me, an-and a walker, it ca-ame for em'." Jesus rubbed the mans back soothingly. 

"Would ya mind... Stayin with me?" Daryl questioned anxiously waiting for a decline. 

Instead Jesus replied, "I wouldn't mind one bit sweetheart." Daryl blushed at the nickname, but luckily it was too dark for Jesus to see it. The two men fell asleep side by side that night. Both slept soundly, calm in each other's company.  

When Daryl awoke the following morning, Jesus was crawled up on the other side of the bed, clinging to his sheets tightly. Daryll never realized what a bed hog he was. He peeled the blankets off himself, and covered Jesus with them gingerly. He let his fingers brush over his cheek, his touch gentle as a feather. 

An hour later, Jesus awoke to the smell of pancakes coming from the makeshift kitchen. He crawled out of the sheets and slipped on his combat boots. He strolled into the kitchen rubbing his eyes.

"G'mornin sleepin' beauty." Daryl chuckled examining Jesus' bedhead. 

"Good morning to you too." Jesus rolled his eyes, sitting at the table. 

Daryl brought over the pancakes and syrup and sat down across from Jesus. "Thank ya fer stayin' with me Jesus..."

Jesus smiled, "Please, call me Paul, and don't mention it, I enjoyed it." Daryl's eyes kept contact with Paul's.

The rest of the morning was spent in each other's company until Jesus had to leave to attend a meeting with Maggie. They hugged goodbye and Jesus strolled off, looking back at Daryl every so often. Daryl sighed contently before closing the door and heading out for the day. 


(A/N: HI EVERYONEEEE!! I really like where the storys going, BUT i'd appreciate feedback! Thank you so much for not only reading, but for 100+ reads. ily all and thank you for your support <3)

Nicotine - A Jesus x Daryl FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now