I sunk my head, leaving the depression invade me for a moment. Then I rose, jumping from the seat.

—I'm not letting something so small bring me down, I will find a solution to Cinnabar's problem, I just need to work harder!

—Phos, your legs.

I looked down and noticed I was standing on those things I had described as sticks. The sensation was still a bit weird, much like my eyes just before I got them, but I could move them.

—Dang it, you tantalizing little inclusions, I was worried for a moment there —I said, after doing some calisthenics—¸ Now I'm scared to sit down. Let's take a walk.

I said that, but just as I started walking I ended up going way faster and way further than I intended, leaving Shirou behind very quickly. It started raining and I ended up in the swamps. Rutile noticed that I was missing and sent Yellow Diamond to look for me, since he was the faster among us. As I had been running in almost a straight line, Shirou was able to tell him what direction I headed when he found him. Yellow was able to find and catch me, but while praising the material of my legs, she dropped me on a stone and my head cracked. By the time we got back to the school, I have more or less get accustomed to my new legs, with just a couple of spurs of involuntary acceleration now and then. Rutile helped me after she had finished fixing Zircon, who had been apparently hurt on battle that morning.

—It didn't occur to me until now, but we lost some of our defense force recently —I said to Shirou as Rutile fixed me—, Dia has been relieved from patrol duty, so Bort is stationed near the school, only going to battle if she is called. And you can't fight anymore...

—If I concentrate enough I can probably recreate my arm for about 3 minutes, that should be enough to hold a sword and fight the Lunarians. I can't make an arm, a bow, and an arrow at the same time, though. If I had a magnet, I could probably try to find my arm under the sea, I'm pretty sure the Lunarians weren't able to take it.

We couldn't depend on that, so I arrived at a conclusion that I wasn't very fond, but it was necessary. After Rutile, Shirou and Yellow Diamond reported what happened to Sensei, and he explained about my "inner potential" being awakened, I declared my plan of action.

—Sensei, in the matter of the recent diminishing of our defense forces, I volunteer myself for patrol duties. I want to use this new power to fight!

Rutile immediately started throwing jabs at me, saying that I couldn't do anything with just speed. Shirou said that I didn't had to force myself and he would be partnering with Bort to make up for Dia.

—Obsidian, bring us your lightest blade —Sensei said, and the other three looked at him incredulous. Our small and cute blacksmith brought forth a sword and presented it to Sensei.

The moment I held it on my own, it dragged me to the ground. It was so heavy I could barely raise it from the floor.

—As I though, only your legs changed.

—I'll train every day, so...

—It's going to be a problem if you break everyday! —Rutile yelled.

—Why do you wish to fight when you know your body isn't suited for it?

—Huh? —What kind of question was that? Wasn't it obvious?—, it's because I love Sensei and I want to help.

Sensei eyes were wide open, as were Rutile and Yellow's.

—Huh? It's the same for everyone, isn't it? Is there another reason?

Rutile was blushing, while Yellow started laughing.

—Yes, it is exactly as you say, everyone loves Sensei, so we need to do our share to help.

Sensei coughed.

—Fighting like the others isn't an option, however, you might accompany Bort and Shirou's team. As my assistant, I expect you to be able to help both of them coordinate and support them in any way they could need without risking yourself.


—Also, while you are here, give me your report on the ocean. Dia already told me what he remembered, but anything after he entered the ocean was missing.

—Yes Sir! The ocean was... —I stopped, feeling once again that there was something, but it was too hazy to remember—, the ocean was... big and... scary...

—Sensei —Rutile intervined—, Phos lost about a third of her memories along with his legs, so...

—I understand, just tell me what you can remember.

—HUMANS. Yeah, Ruler said something about humans and...

The table that Sensei was touching broke into several pieces.

—I'm sorry, that's all that I can remember... —I said, a bit afraid that I had disappointed him, I looked around trying to find any solution, and one crossed my sight—, but Shirou was with us, do you remember anything about the humans?

He raised his face, he had the same gentle smile than before, but there was something off about it.

—No, I can't remember —he said—, those memories must have been on my arm.

—That's fine. Thank you.

We all leave Sensei's room, but I was still intrigued by Shirou's attitude.

—Do you really don't remember anything at all?

He looked at me with intensity, his glare was almost as heavy as my new sword.

—No, I don't. —his gesture became gentler again—, I'm sorry, I think I'm a bit tired.

—Well, we had a very tiresome day yesterday, let's rest and try our best tomorrow!

He nodded with a smile, but as I went to walk away, he stopped me.

—Phos... I don't think Adamant is a bad guy, but I think he is hiding something from us. I don't share that feeling that you say everyone else has.

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