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As I had already briefly looked through the info of the mission and had nothing else of the day planned, I decided I would go to Starks gym and train. I quickly ran back to the room, starting to memorise my way around the building before heading off to try and find the gym. He didn't have any signs saying where it was... obviously, so I had to keep nodding my head into each room I passed.

About ten rooms in, I opened another door and looked in to find Romanoff and Banner getting pretty close. Their faces inches apart as they just stared looking at each other, I quickly decided to leave them to it but just as I was about to leave the door screeches and both their eyes fly to me. "Stupid door." I whisper under my breath as I awkwardly laughed, feeling the air in the room becoming gradually thicker. I did a weird wave/air high five thing, before quickly leaving, trying desperately to get away from Natasha's unwavering stare. Quickly running around the corner, I came to another door, however, this one wasn't a 'push or pull' door, it was electrically manoeuvred and would open when someone was close; as I learnt when its swift opening frightened me half to death. Sighing with relief I entered the room, put my stuff down then started to do quick warm up before starting on the bag.

About five minutes later however, Natasha strolls into the room, making me tense before preparing myself for a beating. "Look, I'm sorry about before, I was looking for the gym and I didn't know where it was. I swear I didn't mean to barge in and I feel like I interrupted something... Wait, no, I swear I didn't see anything!" I rushed before breathing in deeply. She looked at me, sighed, then continued to walk over to me.

"It's fine Maddy. We're not children." She said, making me feel even more embarrassed. "How much have you been using your powers?" She asked as she stopped in front of me. I was surprised that she was talking to me, we hadn't had a proper conversation yet and to be honest, I didn't think she actually liked me.

"Umm, I haven't been using them. Well, I mean except those few times in front of you guys, that was just the self-healing anyway... I haven't tried that other thing yet." I said nervously.

"You haven't been training?" She frowned.

"I've been training in hand to hand combat?" My voice getting higher each time I use it.

"You know what I mean Maddy, have you been practicing your powers, trying to control them? Seeing what you can do?"

"... No?" I said, almost as a question.

"You need to start, we need to get a look at how powerful you are and start to understand your boundaries." She added, walking into the corner of the room before bringing out a target on a board.

"Maybe tomorrow or somethi-"

"No, now!" I paused, looking down to my hands, they slowly started to shake, though I knew it was only out of fear.

"What are you so afraid of?" She asked, now right next to me.

"Nothing." I quickly replied looking up to her. Her eyes widened before she pointed to the target, motioning for me to try. Again, I paused. I couldn't look at her when I said it.

"I killed someone last time I used them." My head hung low.

"You save people when you used them. People get hurt in this job, people die. You have to detach yourself from them, there is a mission that you have to complete." I looked up at her before nodding. I understood what she said. I had to start using my powers. I can be something good. I raised my hands to the target, waiting for something to happen. Last time I used them people were dying, and I was desperate, I didn't even realise that I did anything. After nothing happened, my hands fell back down to my hips. "From what I could guess, last time you could move things with your mind. The windows, the air around you. All you need to do is picture the object moving, think where you want it to be and how it will get there. Think about the details, how much it weighs what it feels like how you move it. Try it again." I looked to her, her eyes still on me. I nodded before raising my hands again and closing my eyes.

The target... I thought about all the things she told me. I pictured everything in my head, I strained as I thought harder about where I wanted it to be. And when I re-opened my eyes, there the target was, laying on the floor, and for the first time, I saw Natasha smile.

"Thanks, Romanoff." I said while smiling myself.

"Call me Natasha." She said before leaving out through the sliding room. Only to nod her head back through and say. "And keep practicing!" I laughed, walking back to the bench and picking up my phone which buzzed a minute ago. It was a text from Director Fury. 'Tomorrow 10am, Beech Café.' I sighed and locked my phone. I don't want to go back. Here, I'm constantly training and working which should be a bad thing, but it keeps me from thinking too much. When I go back to my aunty, it's just going to remind me of home, of my parents and all the things I left behind. Also, I'm starting to feel like I'm meant to be here, with these people. My aunty won't know, and she'll constantly be asking me, but here everyone knows, they get me. I'm still a freak but I'm an accepted freak. 

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