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Hana pov

After I saw Jungkook push Jisoo through the door anger just took over me. All the built up anger about everything and anything seeped through my soul. I can't even remember what happened after I saw Jisoo. I started shouting at everyone and I was snapped out of my trance by Miki shouting at me. "HANA STOP!!" I turned around and looked at her the anger slowly soothing.

"What's wrong with you why did you yell at her like that, you said yourself that she was probably having a bad day?"

I was crying by this point but I didn't want to let her get the satisfaction so I kept up the act by channelling any ounce of anger left inside me.

"She's a bitch that's why you remember what she did to you right," I tried my best to act as pissed as I could and it was working until.

"So this has nothing to do with Jungkook pushing Jisoo through the door and him loving her not you?" I gave her a cold hard glare and held in my tears.

"Fuck you Miki" I took off running down the corridor trying to find somewhere to hide. Hide from Miki. Hide from Jisoo. Hide from Jungkook. Hide from the world. I found a dip type thing under the stairs at the back of the school and pulled my legs to my head. I sat there trying to cry silently but it wasn't working. No one was allowed at the back of the school at lunch anyway so I was fine.

"Hello is anyone there?" I heard a teacher shout.

I peeped my head out and saw Mr Lee. Fuck. He's like the strictest teacher in the whole school I forgot he patrols the area. I looked around to find something to distract him with. A bottle. Perfect. I threw the bottle with all my might all the way down the corridor near a couple of boys who were hanging out.

"BOYS!!!" I heard footsteps and Mr Lee didn't come back after that. After about 2 minutes I was about to stand up when I heard voices. I recognised them straight away. Jisoo and Jungkook. I peeped my head around the stairs and saw them holding hands and smiling. Jungkook led Jisoo outside and I couldn't hold the tears in.

After I don't know how long I heard someone else.

"Hana... hey I've looked everywhere else you have to be here somewhere" I don't know who it was because they were on the stairs and whispering. Suddenly they slid down the bannister and jumped under the stairs with me.


"HAHAHAHAHA, you are so fun to scare"

"Why are you here Yuni?"

"Because in your friend, you're sad, everyone's angry and I don't feel like eating alone come on" She grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the dip thing.


"Oh shut up" She pulled out the back door and into the back office. "Hey, Mrs Chow hows the baby?"

"Quite well thank you what do you want now?" I hate human interaction, especially teachers, so to say I hated Yuni right now was an understatement.

"You see Hana here-" She pushed me up to the desk and I just glared at the teacher, "Yeah well shes really sad as you can see and being the kind-hearted person I am-" she was cut off by Mrs Chow.

"Here's the key you don't need to suck up so much it makes me sick" Yuni picked up the key and dragged me to the gate and through the forest to a small English cafe we used to go to all the time in Year 8.

"Aww I remember this place"

We walked in and it was quite empty, there were a few people here and there. I looked into the left-hand corner at the back and saw Jisoo and Jungkook on some sort of a date. I locked eyes with Jisoo and my heart broke. I looked down with tears pricking my eyes. Yuni noticed and put her arm around my neck. We found a nice small table behind the door hidden in a crook of the cafe.

"What would you like to order," A scruffy looking teen hurried over with a notebook.

"Umm... I would like a tea and a bah-bacon sandwich please" I studied the menu trying to speak my best English I could muster.

"A tea and scone to be extremely British please" Yuni spoke with fluent English as her mum was English. All I understood was tea, and, British and please.

Being next to the door had its perks. You could see people but they couldn't see you. By now the cafe was quite busy then the door thing dinged again. I looked around at the same time as Yuni and Jisoo it seemed. Oh god. It was Miki and Tae. Thank god they cant see us. Miki and Jisoo exchanged glances and I just shot my head down.

"Heres your food" The scruffy kid slammed our plates down and ran off tearing off his apron, shoving on a jacket and stumbling out the back door with a half ripped up bag literally on his head. "Same" Yuni said turning back to the table. I laughed so much I nearly peed. Everyone was looking at me but I didn't care (ok like 3 people but who cares).

We started eating and I have to admit British food was quite good I've had it at Yuni's house before but it was different here for some reason. We talked for a bit and I was just reaching for my tea when The door bell thing dinged again. I choked on my tea when I saw who it was...

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