Liam blinked at Louis, then glanced at Harry questioningly. His husband just shrank back on the couch and smiled sheepishly at Liam. The younger lad cleared his throat and looked away quickly from Harry, looking back at Louis.

"What are you? Trying to be a 'marriage councellor' for us?" Liam retorted. "Cuz Harry and I are fine."

"Then just answer my freaking question. Why won't you let Harry turn you into a vampire?" Louis demanded.

"I - I don't need to have this 'discussion' with you, Tomlinson. That's between my husband and I only. You don't need to worry about it," Liam argued.

"Well, it does worry me, cuz my best mate is upset about it," Louis countered with a glare.

Harry groaned and hit Louis' arm. "Can you stop making me sound so weak, Lou? I'm not some 'damsel in distress'."

"You're acting like one," Louis snapped, turning to his mate. "And why are you not backing me up like a real 'bro'? I'm trying to get Liam to explain why he doesn't want to be with you for all of eternity, and you're complaining. I'm trying to help."

"I think you're just making things worse," Harry whined. "Sorry about him, Li."

"Kinda used to it now. But, I guess I do have to explain myself. It wasn't fair to you that I would just, like, avoid you and change the subject. You're my husband and we should be able to talk about anything," Liam reasoned, smiling at his husband.

The curly-haired lad smiled back and said, "Louis, get out of the room. Li and I are gonna talk."

"Why don't you guys just go upstairs to your roo- "

"Get out, Louis," Liam added, still looking at Harry lovingly.

"Fine. But I'm taking the children with me. Who knows what you'll end up 'talking' about. They don't need to be scarred by you nasty married couple," Louis said with a scoff, standing up.

He reached down to pick up Ian, then told Ethan and Claire to follow him to the kitchen. Liam took Dylan from Harry's arms and put the in the crib in the living room, before sitting beside his husband. Harry took Liam's hands and rubbed his thumbs over them, giving Liam a serious look.

But before Harry could even utter a word, Louis called out, "I left Dylan there for a reason! Don't do anything you wouldn't do in front of your children!"

"Shut up, Louis!" the couple yelled back.

"You're welcome, by the way! Finally got you two to talk like mature adults," they heard Louis muttering.

"How did you manage him as your best mate for so many years?" Liam asked with a chuckle.

"I learned to tune out most of what he said," Harry replied with a smile. "But that's not the topic at hand, now is it? Stop trying to avoid this conversation, Li. I really want an explanation."

Liam sighed and gave in. "Yeah. Sorry. I just - I don't really know how to explain my reason."

"At least try. You're kinda leaving me in the dark here," Harry prompted. "You know you can tell me anything, Li."

"I know. Okay, so... Um, I guess I don't really wanna be a vampire cuz... Like, I don't know how it'll feel like to be... dangerous? I mean, when will I be able to be around our children without the urge to hurt them? How do I, as a father, get over being away from them for however long it takes? I just don't wanna risk being away from them, and even having the possibility of hurting them as a vampire," Liam admitted in frustration.

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