Saranghanikka 2

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The day of their wedding came. It was held in a garden in Heavenly Realm.

Secretary Ma was the MC of their wedding while Ma Wang played the piano. He actually played better this time than what he did during Son Oh Gong's and Jin Seon Mi's pretend wedding before - probably because there are so many guests that might hear him this time so he practiced a lot.

"Everyone, please welcome the groom. The Great Sage, Equal to the Heavens, Son Oh Gong." Secretary Ma said as Son Oh Gong walks the aisle. He looks so regal in his white tuxedo. The fairies who are in attendance and those who just came to watch were all giggling at the sight of the Great Sage.

As a wedding gift, the King of Netherworld allowed both Jung Se Ra and Jin Seon Mi's grandmother to attend their wedding.

Jung Se Ra was the flower girl as well as their Maid of Honor. PK's eyes widened as soon as she saw Jung Se Ra walked down the aisle scattering flowers. Ever since the day that Asanyeo relayed to him Buja's final words, he has desperately wanted to see her once again. Tears fell from his eyes as he watched her from afar. He wanted to hug her but he can't. Jin Seon Mi told him that she has no recollection of her life as the zombie Jin Bu Ja when she was in the Netherworld.

"And now, let us all welcome the bride. Jin Seon Mi together with her grandmother. A big round of applause please."

Jin Seon Mi was shaking as she walks down the aisle probably because of her wedding jitters. Her grandmother held her hand tightly. "It's okay. Don't be nervous." Her grandmother said smiling at her. "Yes grandma." She replied.

The moment she saw Son Oh Gong in front waiting for her sends her to a deja vu. It brought her back to that day, when she also walked down the aisle, but this time their wedding is for real and not just to catch some evil spirit.

Son Oh Gong couldn't help but let out a smile as soon as he saw his bride. She was wearing the wedding gown that she bought together with Secretary Ma - an off-shoulder long sleeved dress. On her hair is a tiara made with white roses. Heaven knows how much he has waited for this day to come. After everything that they have been through. Who would have thought that the Great Sage Son Oh Gong is finally getting married.

When Seon Mi reached the altar, he walked towards her. "Take good care of my granddaughter." Her grandmother said as she gave Seon Mi's hand on him. "Don't worry. I will take good care of her." He said smiling at her. Jin Seon Mi gave one final hug to her grandmother before she and Son Oh Gong faced Elder Soo Bo Ri who is officiating their wedding.

"You can now say your wedding vows." Elder Soo Bo Ri said as the two of them face each other.

"I, the Great Sage, Equal to the Heavens Son Oh Gong, take you Jin Seon Mi as my wife. I promise to love you more than anything else in this world. I vow to make you the happiest being in the entire Heaven and Earth. I will never let you get hurt nor shed another teardrop. I promise to love you now and forever." Son Oh Gong said as he wear their wedding ring on her finger.

"I, Jin Seon Mi, take you, the Great Sage, Equal to the Heavens Son Oh Gong as my husband. I promise to love you with all of my heart and soul until the end of times. I vow to make you the worlds happiest husband. (The deities and the rest of the guests couldn't help but laugh at this part which made Jin Seon Mi's cheeks turned red in embarrassment.) "I promise to protect you and love you now and forever." Jin Seon Mi said as she puts their wedding ring on Son Oh Gong's finger.

"With the power bestowed on me by the Council of Elder Deities of Heavenly Realm, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss---" before Elder Soo Bo Ri could finish his sentence, Son Oh Gong grabbed Jin Seon Mi by her waist and kissed her.

The deities, fairies and demons present burst out laughing at the Great Sage's action and gave them a round of applause. "Aigoo this nutjob of a monkey." Ma Wang said as he wipes his tears as he watch the newly wed kissed.

"Alright, all of the girls that are single you can now line up here." Secretary Ma said as all of the single ladies line up to catch the bouquet. Jung Se Ra lined up as well much to PK's surprise but he didn't say anything. "Alright, are you ready? I will now toss my bouquet. 1,2,3!" Jin Seon Mi said as she tossed her bouquet. Secretary Ma pushed the fairy in front of her to catch the bouquet but the bouquet magically landed on Se Ra's hands. Son Oh Gong tapped PK's shoulder. "You better make your move once she gets reincarnated."

They arrived at their wedding reception at Ma Wang's hotel. It was beautifully decorated thanks to the joint effort of Ma Wang and Sa Oh Jeong. As expected, Ma Wang boast to the guests how he prepared for this wedding reception.

The deities, fairies and demons congratulated the newly wed one by one. "Congratulations on your wedding." Said the peddler. "Thank you." Seon Mi said as she hugged her.

It hasn't been that long since they arrived at the reception but Son Oh Gong is already tired for talking to each and every guests they have. He grabbed Jin Seon Mi by her waist and whispered, "How long do we have to talk to these guests? It would be better if we can just go to a quiet place together. Just the two of us." Jin Seon Mi pinched his side. "Ouch!"

"Alright everyone! Let's all raise our glass to the newly wed!" Elder Soo Bo Ri said as he raise his glass. "Cheers!" The guests chorused. Pal Gye in turn, clinked his glass and started teasing. "Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" The crowed joined in. "Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" Jin Seon Mi blushed at the crowd's teasing but the Great Sage happily obliged and kissed her.

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