On the Way to the Netherworld 3

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At the heavenly realm, the deities are having a deliberation on what to do with Jin Seon Mi's soul. 

"Jin Seon Mi-ssi  deserves to be brought back as a deity." Says one of the elder deities. "But she didn't properly fulfill her summons as she was stabbed out of nowhere." Says the other elder deity.

"But what can she do? Kang Dae Sung stabbed her as she was trying to summon he black dragon to seal it in her body. It's not her fault." Elder Soo Bo Ri said. "I agree with Soo Bo Ri. Seeing how determined she was to fulfill her duty is more than enough. She was even willing to let go of the most precious thing for her to complete her summons. Despite of dying before the black dragon could be killed, her death led to the same result." The peddler said. Murmurs of agreement from the other deities echoed through the hall. 

All of a sudden, a deity came in running to the hall where the elder deities have gathered. "What is it?" Soo Bo Ri asked. "The Great Sage," the deity said while catching his breath. "What about the Great Sage?" he asked. "The Great Sage has forced his way to the Netherworld." "What did you say?" Soo Bo Ri stood up. Shock is evident on his face and so is the rest of the deities. 


"Pardon us but you cannot enter the Netherworld." Says one of the gatekeepers. "Move away while I'm being nice." Son Oh Gong said obviously trying to remain calm. "We cannot allow you to enter." the other gatekeeper said firmly as he clutched his weapon readying for a possible fight. 

"I've clearly warned you. Move away!!!!" The Great Sage said angrily. His eye turned fiery red. He's burning in anger as fire came out of his hand. The two gatekeepers attacked him but they were no match to his strength. The two were thrown away, both unable to get up. 

Son Oh Gong opened the gate with force. "Yaaaaaaahhhhh!!!!" The other grim reapers tried to stopped him but he threw fire at them. 


"Booom!!!!!!" Inside the Netherworld Jin Seon Mi and the rest of the souls could hear the loud explosion coming from the entrance. "What was that?" Jung Se Ra asked. Seon Mi didn't answer. Her eye started to glow once again as she could feel the presence of Son Oh Gong from afar. Her heart starts to beat fast out of worry. "Son Oh Gong." she mumbled to herself. 


The news about Son Oh Gong's entry has reached the ruler of the Netherworld. "My lord, the Great Sage, Equal to the Heavens, Son Oh Gong has entered Netherworld. Several grim reapers have tried to stop him but all of them ended up defeated." says the chief guard of Netherworld. The king of the Netherworld was surprised upon hearing the news. He wasn't expecting a visit from Son Oh Gong nor was he  expecting him to come unannounced like this and create chaos to his kingdom.

"Send in the best guards of the Netherworld. No, I will personally come and meet the Great Sage." the king of Netherworld said. 

Son Oh Gong was busy fighting with the grim reapers that he didn't notice the arrival of the ruler of the Netherworld together with his army. 

"The Great Sage, Equal to the Heavens, Son Oh Gong!" Son Oh Gong stopped his punch to the grim reaper and looked back to see who's calling him. "Ah You're Highness!" Oh Gong said with a smirk on his face. "Good thing you come." he continued. The king of the Netherworld seems surprised. "What made you come to my kingdom unannounced?" the king asked. 

"I'm looking for my bride." Oh Gong replied. 

"Your bride?" the king echoed. 

"Yes. Jin Seon Mi. She arrived here a while ago and i'm here to get her back."


Elder Soo Bo Ri went to meet Ma Wang at his office in Lucifer Entertainment. "Ah Elder Soo Bo Ri.. It's been a while." Ma Wang said as he welcome the deity. "I won't beat around the bush, have you heard about Son Oh Gong?" Soo Bo Ri asked. Ma Wang already had a hunch as to why the patriarch came in to him asking about the Great Sage but he chose to act like he has no idea about it. "I'm not sure. Why?" he asked. 

"I know you know what I mean." the elder deity said not believing his reply. "Son Oh Gong is wrecking havoc in the Netherworld." he continued. 

"Ahh that thug. He has really gone crazy, that nutjob." Ma Wang said laughingly. Soo Bo Ri looked at him. "So you do know about him going to the Netherworld huh?"

"Well its expected from that monkey. You know very well that he is not one sits down and follow rules. He went there to get Jin Seon Mi back." Ma Wang said. Soo Bo Ri slapped his forehead. "Aish that monkey. Why can't he wait for a little while?" This remark from the elder deity made Ma Wang curious. "Why?" he asked. Elder Soo Bo Ri turned his head not wanting to answer the bull but Ma Wang gave him a threatening look. "We just had a deliberation regarding Jin Seon Mi-ssi..." Soo Bo Ri replied hesitantly. "She's about to become a deity." Ma Wang's jaw dropped upon hearing this. 

"Ah you mean that instead of being reincarnated, you have decided to get her from Netherworld and make her a deity?" Ma Wang felt like he suddenly lose his energy. Here he is, waited for a thousand years, still collecting points and then Jin Seon Mi is about to become a deity in a blink of an eye. 

Seeing Ma Wang's reaction, Elder Soo Bo Ri came up with an idea to placate him. "Ma Wang, if you help us with the issue regarding the Great Sage, we will consider making you a deity faster." Upon hearing this Ma Wang suddenly become lively. "So what is it that you want?" he asked. 

"Convince Son Oh Gong to come back and not create anymore chaos in the Netherworld. Him being this rash will surely spark a war between heavenly realm and the Netherworld."

Ma Wang sighed. "I don't think that thug is going to listen. You know how impatient he is and with his temper he is surely wrecking everything in the Netherworld. He even burned an entire world to save her before."


"So, you want get back your bride? That's why you came here and is about to destroy everything in my kingdom, is that it?" the king of Netherworld asked. He called the Chief Guard of the Netherworld. "Bring in the woman named Jin Seon Mi." The king then turned to Son Oh Gong. "You think you can get your bride easily?"

Oh Gong laughed at him mockingly. "You think I come here not knowing that?" His eye turned fiery red once again. "I see that you only have half your golden fiery eyes." the king said upon noticing his eye. "Do you think you can fight me with only half of your strength?" 

"Do not underestimate me Your Highness. i can defeat you even with just half of my power." Son Oh Gong gave a mischievous smile. "I'm the Great Sage, Equal to the Heavens, Son Oh Gong. There's no one I cannot defeat." 

The king of the Netherworld laughed at his confidence which irked the Great Sage. "Alright. If you can defeat me, then i will give you back your bride. But if you lose, you and your bride won't be able to step out of Netherworld alive."

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