Spideypool: "I Felt You Die Baby Boy, I Felt It And It Hurt"

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Fandom: Marvel (Spiderman/Deadpool)

Ship: Spideypool

Tags: spoilers, angst (super heavy)

Rating: R (for language only, no smut)

Deadpool: Ryan Reynolds

Spiderman: Andrew Garfield

Theme Song:NightCore Ashes (Celine Dion)


"I don't want to go."

It rang through his head like a chant that wouldn't stop till his blood rushed out of his ears and bled like his heart did. He was the son he always wanted and as soon as he realized that, he was ripped away from him like a taunt. Watching him turn to dust in his arms broke him into tiny pieces and he honestly didn't know how to deal with it. Sure, he loved his parents, but...this felt different. It made him feel empty, unlike what losing anyone else ever had. It....broke him.

Peter, in his dying breath, grabbed onto him and begged him not to let him go. He didn't want to go. He wanted to live and that was all good and fair since he was only a seventeen year old. Of course he didn't want to die. That made perfect sense but Tony couldn't save him. He only destroyed whatever he touched, hence him dying and turning to sand in his arms. He gripped him tightly, not wanting to let go, because he thought his father could save him. He'd be damned if he didn't because Tony would save his boy if it was the last thing he did. That's what fathers do. They protect their children with everything that's in them. They give their dying breath to save them and that's what he'd do now. He just needed to break the news to Wade...

Peter had started dating that disgrace of a hero a little after Tony had asked him to side with him against Steve. It took Tony by surprise to know that the famous hero was only twenty three. He'd have thought thirty and he looked an awful lot like Ryan Reynolds but I guess that was just him since no one else had said anything about it. It didn't honestly matter in that moment that his son had just died. I guess that was the insanity settling in. To get someone important and not realize what you had till it was gone. I guess that saying really was true but it still hurt. He should have been more loving towards him. He was always coming off as cold towards Peter but now he couldn't fix it and make him feel loved. He could never say "I'm proud of my son" because he no longer had one. He wasn't around. He was dead and Tony just had to defy all that he knew and bring him back from the dead.

Impossible? No, nothing is impossible for a father grieving over his son's death. The thought still brought tears to his eyes. The idea of having to bury him with no body. It was so hard and poor May, she had no one left now that Peter winked out of time. It hurt Tony more than he could know. He didn't have a way to save him. He was useless. He messed up everything. He...was in front of May's house. He struggled up the stairs to her apartment. He didn't want to tell her that her only living family member wasn't coming back.

When May found out that Peter was Spiderman she freaked out slightly. It was weird finding out that your almost eighteen year old nephew was a superhero and risked his life as an after school hobby. It made her stressed since she thought, all this time, that he didn't do anything except play around with his garbage to make...well, more garbage. After May found out she had forbidden Peter to be Spiderman anymore. It was totally fair; she was scared and she didn't know how to handle it. That's where Tony came in. He told May that Peter could train and get better at what they did because she couldn't stop him. He was almost an adult so she couldn't do much.

She agreed to let him train at the Avengers facility and it's all Tony's fault because he had offered up the idea. To be fair, he hadn't known everything would go to shit with the stones and all. Yet again, he was unprepared and it had cost him his son's life. Yes, he was his now, and would always be...always.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2018 ⏰

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