Pynch: I love everything about you

141 4 7

Fandom: Raven cycle
Ship: pynch
Tags: kitchen sex
Theme song:Nightcore all of me


Adam had fought for where he was right now, he fought to live how he wanted to live, like he should have. Yet, no matter what he did no one would care. He worked his butt off day in and day out to earn just a tiny amount of what he needed to get the surgeries he needed.

But that was before he met Ronan. When he first moved to the Raven boy school, he was told to keep a huge distance between himself and the Lynch boy, not that it would be a problem. Adam was scared out of his mind towards him, with his shaved head and tattoos everywhere. Not to mention the mother fucking Raven. Who has Ravens?

Like, what was up with that? But Adam couldn't help his feelings towards him. When he first saved him from the bullies, he stood in front of him and glared. He hit them when they'd tried to get past.

Ronan wasn't like what people thought. Adam was honestly so in love that it scared him. Certainly Ronan wouldn't love him if he knew the truth, right?


Fast forward a few years and Adam and Ronan's relationship grew stronger and Adam only fell more in love than before. He felt like he couldn't breathe when Ronan was near him. He was so deeply in love that it hurt to be without him, then everything went to hell...

After they'd found cabswater it felt like they were going in fast forward. All Adam really remembered was when they'd found the Forest, then gansey was lying on the ground, dead.

Adam did remember one thing and that was when he kissed Ronan for the first time or when they lied on the couch kissing lazily, hands roaming. That's when Ronan found out his biggest secret....


Adam remembered holding his breath until he felt like he would pass out, till he felt his heart stop but still he held it, scared. Ronan would kick him out of the house, tell him he was a freak, but all he did was look at him with so much love that it physically hurt Adam to see it. He'd told him he was beautiful and that he was unique.

And that nothing about him was ugly and he'd already known and that he'd help him if Adam would be his....

And so Adam said yes.


When Adam and Ronan got married it was beautiful. They decided to marry in cabswater where the Forest could bless their Union.

That night Ronan didn't sleep with Adam. He promised to not touch him in a sexual way until he was in the right body, till he was fixed.

Present day

After a few weeks of being married, Adam started his transformation. It was a hard path but finally Adam finished his last surgery and he was recuperating from his chest surgery.

Adam was cuddling into Ronan when he woke up, blinking his eyes into the darkness. He tried going back to sleep but alas, sleep wouldn't come so he got up and went to the kitchen.

Waking up next to Adam was the best thing Ronan ever did. He loved the smell of the younger, smaller boy. Marrying the love of your life was the best thing you could ever do in life.

To live with your best friend was like winning the lottery. You could tell them anything and know that you wouldn't be judged for it. They'd just hold you and tell you how it would be alright.

When Ronan felt over on Adam's side of the bed, he felt the empty space there. That indicated that his husband was no longer sleeping beside him so Ronan got up to search for his soulmate.

He looked in the kitchen to see Adam looking out the window at the yard. It was glowing with lights. He'd dreamed up that it would glow only at night and wouldn't run out. He made them for Adam but he wouldn't ever say as much but he knew how he liked the stars.

Looking at Adam brought a thrill of arousel through him. He was in his clothes and it made him feel like he owned him, that he was his and his alone. All those other boys and girls that wanted his angelus pulcher wouldn't get him because he was all Ronan's.

Every inch, every imperfect part, he still loved him no matter what. Nothing Adam could do would make Ronan love him any less than what he did already.

Adam turned and looked at him, smiling a smile that Ronan would go to war for. He would kill people just to see it for one second. It was worth it all to see that beautiful face splitting into a grin or a full-on smile, like everything was fine. He'd have to be crazy not to love everything about his perfect boy.

Ronan went up to Adam and held him carefully from behind, careful of his still-sore chest, kissing his bare shoulder. Finally, after everything, they were together and that was all that mattered. He'd won the best prize anyone could ever ask for.

He'd won love...

Kissing up his shoulder, up his neck, kissing behind his ear, nippling on his ear lobe, blowing icy air, making Adam shiver. Turning in his arms, Adam faced him. There was love glowing in his eyes that made Ronan hurt. Who could not love him? He loved him with everything he had and that was truly beautiful.

Ronan kissed him hard, letting his tongue slip into Adam's mouth, running his hands everywhere, searching, treading with the utmost care he could give to his fragile boy. He slipped his hand in the front of his boxers, running his hand up and down the hardening length, making a beautiful gasping moan come from the freckled boy in front of him.

That's what broke him. Not almost being killed, not losing his mom and dad and brother or even gansey. No, what finally did him in was when he looked at him with trust in his eyes like he would willingly lie down in front of a speeding train. It made Ronan want to cry.

Adam was so trusting and for what he's had to go through. It was rare that people keep that ability to openingly trust those he loved. Running his hands up and down Adam's torso, slipping out of his boxers, he carefully took his sweater off. Well, Ronan's.

He slipped Adam's boxers off, standing without clothing on in a cold kitchen wasn't fun but he'd buy Adam the moon if he asked him. He got down on his knees, looking up at Adam and licking his dick, sucking on it and putting his fingers up so Adam could wet them. Oh, he sucked them like he was taking a cock. Feeling like they were wet enough, he took them out of his mouth and started fingering Adam's hole, causing him to make a pretty little gasp. Grinning, Ronan sucked harder. He put a second and finally a third finger, stretching him wide enough to take him.

Standing, Ronan reached around and grabbed lube from the table. Why he didn't see that before was beyond him. Popping the cap, he put some on his dick, grinning at Adam when his husband nodded at him, saying that he was ready. He slipped in, loving the feeling of being inside him.

Moving was a little harder because Adam was facing him so up he went. Ronan pushed him so he was lying on the kitchen counter. Grabbing his hips, he started moving, feeling fireworks shooting across his closed eyelids.

Adam's gasps and barely-there moans weren't helping but he still loved them. No matter how much Adam begged him to go faster, he stayed the same pace, making love to him.

Lying his head on Adam's shoulder, he hit Adam's bundle of nerves, making him see stars and finally finish. Ronan finished shortly after, panting and holding onto him through his aftershock.


Months later, Adam went to the doctor because he was feeling sick, only to find out he was pregnant with Ronan's children.

And they lived happily ever after.


Wow thanks guys!! I hope that's what you wanted, this turned out way longer than I wanted and I cried a bit but it's out and I honestly love how I made Ronan act. He's so sweet in this and even when he and Adam weren't together he took care of him. I myself am going through what Adam's going through so it's highly personal and I want to thank the person who prompted me on it. I loved it so much, thank you!

- Shadow

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