Chapter 9

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So I was wrong for the whole 'marrying Ruby Jean behind her back' thing. This I knew. And this I did anyway. But I was tired of waiting and not knowing exactly what I was waiting for. I ain't got time to be figuring out Ruby Jean's God damn riddles. I'm old as fuck and our marriage should've been started long by now.

It's only been a couple of days since she's known about our marriage when we technically married the previous Friday. She's been my wife for all of five days now, and while she's still not speaking to me, the fact that I can truthfully call Ruby Jean my wife, is so very satisfying.

I would rather our honeymoon not be so hostile, but I take what I can get. Which is nothing.

It was a Tuesday morning when I woke up with a sick feeling in my stomach. My body temperature seemed more elevated than usual and I had a mild yet very persistent headache. I was a lil dizzy sitting up as well but paid it little attention.

I looked over to see Ruby Jean asleep with her mask covering her lovely eyes.

She hadn't said a single word to me since Sunday morning. The rest of that day was spent with me being ignored until I had to go to the office. When I returned much later that night, Ruby Jean was asleep.

Come Monday morning, she was still sleep. I kissed her goodbye when I went to work. Typically, we'll message each other during the day but after sending text after text, I heard nothing from her. Once she arrived home, she went directly to bed, again, saying not a single word to me.

The only time I hear her voice is when she's on the phone. She was doing all she could to intentionally reject my very existence and it was really fucking with me. She hasn't spoken to me. She hasn't touched me. Ruby Jean will barely even look my way.

I missed my wife. I missed the sound of her laughter. I missed the way should would run her fingers through my hair. I missed doing her hair. I missed massaging her feet.

Ruby Jean will have almost nothing to do with me and it was killing me. Not matter how many times I apologised.

I could only imagine what she's going through. It can't be easy being stuck with a jackass like myself and now I've legally contracted us in an eternal bond without her consent.

It's likely to be years before she ever says a single word to me again.

I looked over at her sleeping form. The only time I get away with touching her is when she's asleep. I grabbed her soft hand and laid it against my cheek. Her fingers were cool and smelled of her Mom's homemade moisturisers. As expected, Ruby Jean wasn't wearing her wedding ring and since she wasn't wearing hers, it made little sense to wear mine. I studied her perfectly manicured hand, ringless. Just well cared for skin and nails.

I kissed her fingers and returned her hand to her abdomen.

I was able to shower, brush my teeth, and get dressed while ignoring my growing nausea and the sweat beading on my forehead. I was clothed in a pair of grey slim fit trousers and a white button down. As I fumbled with my tie, I was forced to acknowledge my sickness. I rushed to the bathroom and made it to the toilet just in time to throw up last night's Popeye's. Sad thing is, it was just as delicious coming back up as it was going down.

I stayed in the bathroom another few minutes coughing and hacking up what was left of my supper. After a while, my chest and abdomen started to cramp up due to the spontaneous overuse. I was spitting up the last bit of bile when I felt a small hand on my upper back, rubbing it and patting me gently.

When I straightened to my full height, I turned to see Ruby Jean standing behind me with evident concern on her pretty face. Her hair was still being held together by her scarf and bobby pins and her mask was pushed up.

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