Light of Your Life-Castiel

Start from the beginning

The Winchesters sat at the small four chair table in the bunker's kitchen quietly discussing you.

"I just...I just don't know what to do man. We tried cheering her up with ice cream and cookies but that didn't work. Then we gave your idea a go thinking going on a hunt to take her mind off of Castiel didn't work because she refused too We even used Claire against her thinking Y/N might perk up at seeing her since we all know how much she thinks of her as a little sister. That failed." says Sam with a sigh

"I think it's time we bring in the big guns." says Dean with a smirk and a nod

"Jody." exclaims Sam realizing Dean's idea

"So I'm thinking we go on a hunt tell Y/N Jody is going-" Dean starts to plan until the noise of the bunker door opening makes Dean stop

"Did you invited some over?" asks Sam with a curious look as Dean and him stand up

"No, you?" questions Dean as they both inch towards the kitchen door

"If I did, why would I ask you?" asks Sam sassily with his iconic bitch face making Dean roll his face as in unison they both pull their guns out while heading towards the entrance room

"Bitch." mumbles Dean as they head down the hallway

"Jerk." mutters back Sam with a small smile before his face is once again serious again

They then turn down the corner to see someone that made both their jaw drops. There stands a normal looking Castiel looking around like he doesn't know what he is expecting to see.

"Cas?" questions Dean with surprised look starting to put away his gun until Sam stops him from doing so

"That's not Cas's it's not possible. This-this has to be a trick from some monster or someone." answers Sam with a look of disbelief

"It's me, I-I'm back." says Castiel with a tired expression since he had come all the way from somewhere on the east coast after hotwiring some junky car

"That's not possible." says Sam aiming his gun up to Cas's head

"Prove it than, say something only Cas would know." orders Dean as a glimmer of hope shines in his eyes

This is what you need and Dean was not going to put an angel killing bullet in whoever is in front of them unless he is a hundred percent certain it's not Castiel.

Castiel lets out a sigh annoyed sigh with this all he just wants to see you.

"Sam you use about 10 different hair products that you are arranged by color." says Castiel making Sam blush and Dean burst out in laughter

"Dean, you keep an emergency pie under your bed that last time I was here was three week and I bet it's still there." adds Castiel this time it was Sam laughing and Dean blushing embarrassed

"Maybe." admits Dean shyly

You suddenly appear into the room rubbjng your eyes trying to get the sleep out of them.

"What's all the commotion?" You ask as you continue to rub your eyes

"Y/N." breathes out Castiel turning to you with a smile happy to see you but his eyes widen at how much of a mess you look right now

Your eyes snap open as you lower your hands from your face.

"Castiel?" You breath out in a questioning matter not believing that he is actually in front of you right now

"It's him Y/N." chimes in Sam knowing what you were think and with that you took off

You ran quickly straights into Castiel's now open arms. Your legs wrapping around his waist as your wraps go around his neck with tears flowing down your face.

"You-you're back." You choke as you can't believe this

Dean and Sam quietly exit the room wanting to give the two of you some privacy with small smiles on their faces.

"Yeah-yeah,I don't know how but I am." says Castiel as he gives you a small squeeze

You pull back a little to look at Castiel's face, the handsome face you thought you would never see again.

"I don't care how you got back all that matters is that you are here now." You say softly as your forehead leans against his

Castiel presses his lips to yours with both of you pouring as much love into the kiss as possible. The two of you only pull back when your lungs were boning for oxygen.

You breath quite heavy as Castiel just smiles brightly at you. Once you composed yourself you could help but beam back to him. As the light in your life has returned making everything seem bright and full of life again.

"Babe, you know I love you need a bath." says Castiel with a serious look that makes you laugh

"First I love you too, and secondly, you are right. I'll take one but only if you join." You says with a small smirk thag brings a new fire to Cas's eyes

"Of course I will." says Castiel with he races to your bathroom with a grin on his face while you can't help laugh

Things are finally back to how they should be.

After the two of you finish in the bathroom, you sit between Castiel's legs now fully clothed along with him. Your hand plays with his fingers on one of his hands as the other combs through you are here.

"Cas....don't leave me again. I-I don't think I can go through that pain again. I can't. It-it was so hard to know that you aren't-that you weren't here here any more." You say softly as a single tears making it's way down your face.

"I won't." says Castiel with a shake of his head a determine flicker to his eyes

He was never going to leave you again, he would make sure of it. Cas couldn't bare the though of you being put through this ever again.

"Promise?" You question softly with intense fear in your eyes as you crane your head to look up at Cas

"I promise." confirms Castiel with honesty in his eyes and somehow with him saying that you knew he isn't going anywhere

You then pressed your lips to Castiel's in a more relieved kiss finally feeling like every
single weight has been lifted off of your chest because now you know the most important thing.

The light in your life is back and it's definitely not going anywhere.


Okay just so you guys know I now have a posting schedule now. I'm going to post every Monday and Friday on here.

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