Chapter 3- White Roses

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Song: Holding On and Letting Go

Ross Cooperman

A/N- Before this chapter starts I just wanted to that I'm so sorry for not updating. I kind of fell into a writers block slump if that makes sense. I'm going to try and be more consistent with updating every Friday. Im starting to become more motivated so bare with me. I know it's not Friday, it's Monday so I'm giving this to you guys a few days early. I hope you enjoy it!!

No matter which path I choose, I always end up at the scene of the crash. The car is toppled over, glass and debree everywhere. The only thing different about each path was the scenery; One would be a meadow filled with various flowers and grasses and the sun was shining brightly.

Sadly, it wasn't always like that.

My eyes wondered over the crystal blue skies and the few clouds that covered it. My foot pushed gently against the petal, dreading what was to come. Ever since the accident I had always been super cautious with driving. Never going too fast, not having the music to loud to the point where it distracted me and I always tried to be aware of who was in front of me and behind me.

Pulling into a gravel parking lot I put the car in park. Leaning my head back on the headrest I took a deep breath, needing to gather myself before I got out. Shutting off my car and taking the keys out of the ignition I jumped out of the car and close the door behind me.

Before walking off I grabbed a bouquet of white roses I had recently picked up from the farmers market that were in the back seat. I brought them up to my nose and took a whiff. I smiled sadly at the smell.

Mason loved white roses.

I had always wondered why he specifically loved white roses, why not red ones? Did it matter? To him, it did. He always told me how he hated how cliche red roses were, but weren't white roses the same thing as red roses?

I locked my car doors and started walking in the direction where I remember his grave to be. For some odd reason, cemeteries weird me out. I wasn't trying to be insensitive but to be honest there are just rows and rows of dead people, almost never ending. I come here to remember my loved one but what happens after that?

After a few minutes of trying to navigate my way through the cemetery I see Masons gravestone. It's sitting untouched, under a beautiful magnolia tree.

I make my way over to it and sit down Indian style. I stare at the crumbly and decaying flowers positioned on the ground next to the gravestone. Laying there is also one of Masons old baseballs. My eyes scan over the words engraved on his tombstone for the millionth time after the funeral-

In Loving Memory
Mason Anthony Reed
Son, Brother, Cousin and Best Friend
Forever Loved,
Never forgotten.

I run my finger tips over the words, closing my eyes, exhaling. Behind me, the dry grass crunches and I jump. As I turned my head around, my eyes scan over Masons twin and my blood runs cold.


He was here.

Oh no.

I'm dead.

I stand up, stumbling in the process due to my nervousness. He was more beautiful then I remember. I hadn't seen him in so long. I had to remind myself that this wasn't Mason.

It was Carson.

It was Masons horrible twin brother.

Not Mason. Mason was buried six feet under the ground, dead.

My breath hitched in my throat and our eyes met and locked like magnets. His cold gaze stayed on me and it felt like forever. Finally I could make out something swirling around his pupils, a mixture of shock and sadness. His eyes were red and raw like he had been crying and strands of his dark hair were sticking up in all different directions.

"Carson?" I ask, my voice barely audible.

Quickly, his eyes darkened and his vulnerability was masked when his face contorted in anger and disbelief. Disbelief that I didn't listen to him? Or disbelief that I came?

"What the fuck are you doing here?" He sneered.

His tone only amplified how nervous I was, "Mason was my best friend, Carson. You weren't the only one-"

I was cut off my him storming up to me and within seconds our faces were only inches apart.

"I told you not to fucking come here!"

"That isn't your call to make."

With each passing second his hands closed into fists and he became even more consumed by his anger; his nostrils flaring and his eyes opening and closing into slits.

"It seems that you don't know your place. You simply can't do what you want, when you want. You threw that away when you killed my brother. If you disobey me, there will be severe consequences. Remember that, Charlie." A sinister smile formed onto his lips and I could've sworn it looked like something out of a horror film.

I nodded. He turned away to leave but grabbed my wrist and I yelped from the sudden pain. He yanked me into him and lowered his head to my ear.

His voice was low and threatening, "Let me be clear on one thing. I wish it was you who died in that car accident, not my brother. If you hadn't dragged him to that party he'd still be here so don't think for a second I would ever fall for you like he fell for you. Your scum. I'm going to ruin your life just like you ruined mine. So let this be a warning, disobey me again and you will pay. I wont hesitate for a second, bitch."

He squeezed my wrist harder one last time before backing away and disappearing. I clutched my wrist to my chest and let everything that had just happened register in my mind.

What was I expecting? Carson not come on the anniversary of his brothers death? I was stupid to think I wouldn't get caught. I shouldn't have came, it had only made things worse.

Sitting back down on the grass facing Masons tombstone I pulled my knees up to my chest and hugged myself.

"I'm so sorry, Mason." I whispered but that's all I could say at the moment.

Salty tears flowed down my cheeks, onto my chin drenching the top of my shirt. Everything I had been holding in this past year came bursting out. All the grief and pain I thought I could cope with from running; everything I had buried deep down had finally came up to the surface.

I wanted it to go away. I wanted to stop crying but I couldn't.

As much as I hated it and wanted it to go away, it felt good. The more I cried the more peace and relief I felt.

Somehow, maybe I can start healing.


Poor Charlie)):

What did you guys think of this chapter?

You've finally met Carson, what do you think??

The next update will most likely be Friday, see you soon!!

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