Chapter 14:

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I wearily blink my icy blue eyes open, noting that the covers are spread about everywhere and I'm laying at the bottom of the bead, body sprawled around haphazardly.

The room is quiet, Empty, and I'm left to my own devices in getting up, which means I slowly pull msuelf to my senses and stand up, stretching my back and tensing as a horrid sounding click comes from my neck, before cracking my knuckles.

I don't take long to gather my clothes and a bag full of hair dye and make my way into the bathroom, clicking the lock shut behind me and placing my clothes in the floor and the hair dye on the counter.

I don't take long to get to work, pulling on an old tank top and pyjama shorts, stained with bleach and dye, my gruesome looking towel to the side.

I brush my hair out, and then mix up some bleach that I had bought whilst out, and as I apply it to my roots I begin taking to Blake, quietly, almost impossible to hear, but enough to make me feel comfortable.

"Hi, Blake, I'm doing my hair like we used to do each other's" I say, smiling "remember that time when we got red dye all over the shower curtain? God mum wasn't happy" i continue, rambling memories and nothing's over and over, to the invisible boy, sitting behind me, piercing eyes watching me up and down, a smile of sadness on his face.

He misses me too, I can tell, I can sense it by his presence, I haven't been talking to him so much, and I have no idea what the afterlife is like, but it must get lonely, floating aimlessly and waiting for someone to interact with you.


I sit, allowing for the hair dye to soak into my head, the bleach already done and dusted, leaving me with blonde roots once again.

I'm sitting on the floor, a towel placed underneath me, scared of making a dent into Shane's lovey, clean, expensive looking bathroom.

I feel my stomach howl as I sit, but promptly ignore it, I'd rather just stick to my drinks instead of solids for the moment, I tried to ignore what they said to me the other night but I can't, it rings thought out my heads and forces it's way into my eyes and nose, discouraging me from anything food related.

The smell of sickly sweet food makes me want to be sick, the smell of spicy, savoury food does the same, and no middle grounding seems to help me either.

I still don't understand why Blake still hangs around me, surely there's more to see and do in this world, ghost buddies to talk to, and yet he follows me at every waking hour, his presence currently right next to mine, the cold air brushing against my back, it's an everyday occurrence.


I get dressed in a pair of purple skinny jeans with skeleton hands on the bum, and a white drop dead tshirt which hangs quite low on me, due to my small size, A cat ear hoodie on. I don't bother with shoes again, and let my hair fall into its usual place, a coating of hairspray all over, garrets hat placed firmly on my head.

I reach for my phone and headphones and place them in my pocket, everyone seems to be in the pool today, and I have no swimming outfit, let alone know how to swim, let's just hope that it doesn't come up.

The other teenagers don't like me anyway, they probably won't want me in the pool with them.

I make my way downstairs, greeting Uno and giving him a nice stroke, before he rolls onto his back, allowing me to rub my hands along his belly, his tail wagging excitedly in delight.

Little cousin (adopted by Shane Dawson) Where stories live. Discover now