"Thank you" Eleanor replied.

"It's a pleasure to meet you" Jackie said as she shook Eleanor's hand.

"You too" Eleanor smiled.

Paris looked around the table and saw Zayn engaged in a conversation with a blonde beauty. She gasped. Jason looked at her suspiciously. "Are you okay?"

"It's Perrie freaking Edwards!" Paris fangirled. Jason and Alex laughed as Zayn and Perrie looked up. Zayn smiled and waved at Paris. She laughed at herself and waved back.

"I feel so ugly compared to them" Jackie whispered to Paris.

"Me too!" Paris whispered back, causing both girls to giggle.

"You girls are lovely" Alex complemented as Zayn and Perrie approached them.

"So you're Paris and Jackie?" Perrie asked. The girls nodded. "It's so great to meet you! Zayn said he had a wonderful time this summer. I just wish I had come to visit."

"Awe!" Paris cooed.

Ariel stepped in between the blondes. "Perrie, I'm sure Paris is dying right now because she is meeting one of her idols," Ariel teased. Paris blushed and Perrie grinned. "However, I'm going to need to steal her for a second."

Ariel pulled Paris away from the group. "Don't look now," Ariel mumbled. "But there is a certain boybander who is shooting daggers through his eyes at you right now." Paris looked over and caught sight of Liam, who looked irritated. "I said don't look at him!" Ariel snapped. Paris's eyes widened and she looked back at her friend. "What are you going to do about this?"

Paris thought for a second before grinning. "I'm going to dance" she replied confidently. She grabbed Jackie's hand and pulled her to the dance floor. Both girls began moving to the music.

"What was that for?" Jackie asked.

"Liam was glaring at us, so I thought I should give him something to glare about" Paris smirked. Jackie roled her eyes. A few moments later, the girls were joined by Alex and Jason. Harry and Violet, as well as Tiffani and Mitch, and Perrie and Zayn, joined them also. 

The group laughed as the four best friends (Ariel, Paris, Jackie, and Tiffani) tried out some ridicoulous dance moves they made up. Mitch and Alex attempted to waltz at a slow song, but ended up laughing to much to continue. Perrie and Paris held an ongoing conversation about Little Mix, mainly because Paris couldn't stop fangirling. Jason and Alex made fun of the way Liam and Niall were watching Paris and Jackie. 

Another slow song came on and Jason grabbed Paris's hand and wrapped his other arm around her waist. "Your ex looks like he's about to kill me" he mumbled into her ear.

She looked at Liam, who was glaring at both of them from the table. She looked back at Jason. "Sorry?" she.shrugged. "Is kind territorial."

"Oh trust me" Jason chuckled. "Mitch already briefed me on it." Paris laughed at the memory of counselor's night out.

Alex and Jackie were dancing next to Paris and Jason. "Um, what is Niall doing?" Jackie asked as Alex twirled.her around.

Paris and Jason turned their heads to the table again, where Liam was still glaring and Niall had his back turned. He was obviously drinking, but it was who he was drinking with that caught their attention. He was talking, and dancing, with two random girls.

"Whatever he's doing, he looks like a spazzing chicken" Paris stated, making Jackie snort.

"He's just trying to make you jealous" Alex stated.

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