My college building had a British architecture something which I had seen before in India as well because Britisher did contribute to some of our architecture during their 200 years of rule. I scanned the area and tried to figure out which way should I be going. Luckily, there were some people who were helping new students and clueless people like me, couldn't be more thankful.

I found my first class after getting my time table and taking a deep breath, took a quick name of God and entered my first class. I frowned as I saw no one in the class and checked the class once again but I was at the right place and I wondered why no one is here yet. I checked the time in my wristwatch and there were still 20 minutes before the class starts. I have a habit of being early everywhere, I dont like the last minute hassle moreover when you are early, you get to chose. I quickly got into the class and immediately got in awe with it. It was huge, bigger than that of my college back in India. The benches were elevated and in the centre there were stairs. The benches started from the wall and ended up until the centre. I quickly decided which would be my seat.

Second from the last bench.


I kept my things on the desk and took my phone out. I quickly tapped to open my front camera to have a look at myself and I looked as I if I slept on the streets. That's why I hate makeup. I quickly redo my hair and made my face look better. Once done, I kept everything inside and waited for the class to begin.

Just last 5 minutes were, left people started walking in. I was getting so anxious with every passing second that I can't even decipher. As anyone would walk in, I would hope to make a friend but it's hard when you are not one amongst those. Some walked in without looking at me, some looked at me, avoided, and hunted for a new seat. It was getting more than awkward now. I remember how easy it was to make friends back in India but I don't blame anyone as I know it's hard to accept a new person especially when you belong to a different country.

The class was full and was still sitting alone and I don't know why but a feeling of rejection started seeping in me. This could have been the first step in making friends but no one wanted to sit with me. I saw the entire class talking and I felt a little out of place, as if I don't belong here. I was occupied in my thoughts as once again my eyes drifted to a couple who entered the class.

A tall, bored-looking white boy with brown hair roughly in his early twenties walked in lazily holding hands with his girlfriend who looked complete opposite. She was shorter, blonde and smiling widely, and it seemed as if she was dragging him in. She had perfect makeup on her face and she looked as if she was coming straight from a fashion show wearing white denim shorts and a blue top with matching accessories and bag.

And I must one except for me was wearing a jumper, yet I was feeling so cold.

She looked around the class and for a brief second her eye met with mine but she looked away and scanned the class and then she waved a girl in the other corner. She whispered something to him and ditching him alone, she rushed towards her girl gang. He looked up and scanned the class lazily and then he looked at me and started walking towards me making me slightly nervous. I kept blinking several times and I think I zoned out until I saw him standing right in front of my desk and saying.


Standing so close to me, I got to see a closer look of him. He was at least 6 feet tall and was well built for his age. He was wearing dark washed jeans and a simple T-shirt over which he wore a denim jacket and if I am not wrong, his eyes were blue.

Yes, blue eyes. Something very rare to be found in India.

"If you are done gawking then move." His thick British accent snapped me out and I looked at him and space which was plenty for two people to fit in but nonetheless, I moved as I didn't want to pick up any unnecessary quarrel.

But again, it was definitely an order, not a request which I would have appreciated. Maybe it was intimidation that even his polite tone sounded so rude but when he roughly threw his bag on the desk and sat down with a thud, it was clear, he wasn't polite.

At all.

I was seriously so offended and wanted to reply him back but I didn't and kept my mouth shut as my Mummy's rule made it way in my mind.

Don't pick up any unnecessary fights and argument. You will be living alone and you don't know what kind of people you are dealing with.

Yes...there were certain rules and regulations which I have to follow here in London. To be exact 17 rules and this one was one amongst them.

When he sat down, I looked straight not even wanting to have eye contact with him. To be honest, I was so petrified by his presence that just I wanted to run away from there. He wasn't that overly muscular or one of those tattooed guys I should be scared of but his lack of enthusiasm and annoyed face was scaring me. He looked pissed and it seems he would snap at anyone, any moment.

Especially at me.

I could sense his eyes on me, scanning me head to toe. If I wasn't just nervous before, this made me reach a whole new level of anxiety. I could hear him sigh as if he was disapproving something. It seemed as if he had a problem with everything and everyone on this planet. I was sitting as if someone had hit a pause button of my system and had thrown away that play button.

All my excitement was thrown out of the window and now I was just waiting for these 90 minutes to end.

And officially my first day, my first class and the very first hour in my college is ruined.

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