Day 29 & 30

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Oops... I've been kinda ill recently and sorta forgot to update... sorry 😂

Here are the days I missed:

Day 29 - Your favourite video of the Beatles on YouTube

Well, I'm just going to cheat and put a few compilations of amazing Beatles clips, because why not:

Funny Beatles Moments:

Funny Beatles Moments Part 2:

Here is one last video that never fails to make me smile (sorry for the bad language)

Day 30 - Least favourite Beatles concert

I would die to go see any of the Beatles concerts, so it's hard to choose a least favourite. But I guess if I had to answer I would probably say Candlestick Park... for obvious reasons...

I've had a lot of fun doing this challenge, so thanks so much for reading it! You've all been so kind and I hope you carry on enjoying this book 😊

See y'all in the next update!

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