Seventeen: Things Left Unsaid

Start from the beginning

She clearly insisted on it as the bare images of Ben being tortured were still burned fresh in her mind. His screams, his fear, his pain, it all flashed back right in front of her eyes. Rey didn't want to save him. She needed to. To her, there was no question, nor debate. Whether he turned or not, saving him was all that mattered.

Lei inhaled, picking up another wave of Rey's emotions. "Rey—"

"Ben warned me that they're coming for us," she told her, feeling somewhat intrusive to share the conversations between Ben and herself.

Leia must have assumed that Rey would keep in contact with the facade of her son. That maybe he would pursue her to make her turn. Though Rey was so optimistic and strong-willed, the girl couldn't be tempted. But that would be the reason why Rey would also continue to pursue Kylo Ren to get him to turn. They could sense each other's emotions, reach out to the other's thoughts. They two had a special connection to him that she, nor Han, nor Luke had with him.

Leia might not want to admit that she believed the information the Supreme Leader of the First Order, their enemy had given to Rey, but it was best to stay cautious at the standing point the Resistance was at after barely escaping from that salt planet.

"Then we need to evacuate," the general replied, thinking of her people first. The Resistance was more explicit in her mind, which made it more important. They trust her and she must keep that trust by keeping them safe.

I didn't mean it like that, Rey thought. "He warned me because he wanted to protect me," she tried to explain, to reason with her why it was pivotal they rescue him. "That's why he's being tortured."

Rey shook her head, knowing how important Ben was to Leia, but confused why she wasn't putting him first. His mother had carried all the hope she had for her son to come back to her through all those years just to give up on him now. Not when they could finally bring him back this time. They needed to go to him now before it was truly too late.

"He needs our help!" Rey said as she raises her voice, her emotions getting the best of her. "He's your son!"

"The other Resistance fleets have not yet made contact with us," Leia told the girl, "they won't come for us if we're in the middle of an invasion."

"They'll listen if you tell them what your son has done for us," Rey indicates.

"They know who my son is," Leia interjected.

"And everyone still follows your lead," Rey says then. "But if you speak to them about the hope you had for them, the hope you have for this cause, that there's still hope to win this war then they will listen. They'll join us in the fight. We can win."

Leia didn't stop her as she continued on, "You were held captured by Darth Vader when Luke Skywalker and Han Solo came to your rescue. They were your only hope in escaping," Rey mentioned, hoping this will convince her enough. "Can't you see that we're his?"

Leia pursed her lips in a tight line, knowing she was right. She could never forget out she had met those two flyboys in the first place. How they both came to her rescue when she called for help, even though the Empire was at every corner. They went into the heart of it all just to save her.

Even though someone just wanted the profit.

Maybe, just maybe, Ben called out to Rey, asking for help. He couldn't get out of the situation he was in alone. That must mean he is still there after all this time.

Leia shook her head, chucking at the fact that this girl had outwitted her. "I can't believe I told you that story," she muttered.

"If you won't help me," Rey said, unable to smile, "I'll go by myself."

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