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"Hey, you must be the welcoming committee!" I say as tweedle Dee and tweedle dum slide into the booth opposite me.

"Very funny, who are you and what are you doing here?" The woman questions, staring me down.

"Sorry, manners, I'm Kai." I say, smiling at the pair before leaning forward and tipping the now half-eaten jam pot towards them. "Want some?"

They both crinkle their noses before declining my generous offer.

"Oh well," I shrug, "more for me." I say before dipping my fingers into the jam again.

They both pull a disgusted face before the blonde begins to talk again.

"How did you find this place?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, how did you come to be here?" The woman says, clearly beginning to lose her patience.

"Oh, I get it," I say, as though it only just dawned on me. "You want to know how I found this little town. I mean obviously it's supposed to be under some sort of cloaking spell or something, otherwise you wouldn't be getting your panties in such a bunch over how I found my way here."

"What do you know about magic?" The man speaks up, leaning across the table.

"Ooh, an accent. I like it, very dramatic."

"Stop with the diversions. Tell me how you found Storybrooke or as the sheriff in this town I will lock you up until you talk." Blondie perks up again.

"Woah woah woah, no need to lose your temper Goldilocks, we don't even know each other. For all you know I could be an angel sent to look over your dear little town."

Neither of them say anything as the woman continues to stare me down, unimpressed. Sighing, I decide to start over, I mean, I can't have the sheriff already suspicious of me before I've even had some fun.

"Look, I think we got off on the wrong foot. My names Kai Parker and I just drove here from Virginia." I say, holding out my non-jam covered hand for her to shake.

"Emma." The woman sighs, giving me a firm handshake. "Swan"

I turn to the man sitting next to her, raising my eyebrows expectantly.

"Killian Jones," He states, a small smirk appearing in the corner of my mouth, igniting a mischievous glint in his eyes. This guy's interesting. 

The momentary silence that fell across the table is interrupted as Granny approaches with four plates of food.

"Here are your burgers and hot dog, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to see some ID for the beer missy," she says, as she places a glass of water in front of me.

I roll my eyes and reach into my back pocket. It sucks being stuck at 18 forever, if only I'd waited 3 more years. My fingers close around my ID and I pull it out, placing it in granny's outstretched hand. She looks at it before sighing and raising her eyebrows.

"1976. Nice try sweetheart, better luck next time."

"No, true story," I defend, but she shakes her head before handing me back my ID.

"You can stick to water for now."

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