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As I'm walking along the road the sense of magic is getting stronger and stronger, which is a good sign as it means I'm probably going in the right direction. Downside? I'm starving. Man I could go for some pork rinds right now, but also something a little more thirst quenching. My gums begin to ache at the thought but before I can fully decide what to do a distant noise makes my ears perk. There's a car coming.

I consider my options, run out in front of it or jump on top, but I'd rather copy a trick from some old friends. Walking into the middle of the road I lay down on my back looking up at the sky, completely still. I hear the car approach before coming to a stop. The door swings open as a man steps out, but I remain still.

"Are you okay?" I hear a man call out to me. "Were you hit."

I don't say anything and stay staring up at the sky above me. I can sense the man panicking, unsure of what to do.

"Stay there, I'm going to call an ambulance, I'm gonna get you some help."

I chuckle at that, sitting up. I look over and see he's reaching in his car, probably looking for his phone. I speed up behind him and wait for him to turn around. He does so a couple of seconds later, shrieking as he drops his phone in shock.

"Oops, didn't mean to scare you there pal," I say, smiling. All I can hear is the blood rushing through his veins.

"W-what are you doing, lying in the middle of the road?!" He questions, obviously angry at me for giving him a fright. "Are you trying to get yourself killed."

That makes me giggle. "It's a little too late for that buddy."

"What do you mean? Are you high? I think you've had a little too much of whatever it is you're on."

I roll my eyes, he's probably one of those "do-gooders".

"What's your name?" I ask, curious.

"Why?" He questions, looking annoyed.

"Well, I'm going to kill you, and I thought it would be polite if I at least knew your name before I ripped into your neck." I reply, my temper running thin, hunger beginning to take over.

The man looks taken a back and slightly disgusted, but it's obvious he doesn't believe me.

"It's Christopher. Look I don't see why that matters, you've clearly got something wrong with you, taken some sort of drug. Let me call you an am..."

"Christopher huh," I cut him off. "I had a brother called Christopher."


"Uh huh." I nod. "I drowned him in the pool." I smirk, allowing the veins under my eyes to appear, my fangs growing long and visible as I open my mouth wide.

I barely take a second to register the shock on the mans face before I bite into his neck, tearing through the skin and right into his carotid artery. The blood gushed down my throat and I moaned at the feeling, continuing to feed until there was nothing left. Dropping him to the ground I wiped my mouth and looked around me. Ugh, I cannot be bothered dragging him into the woods to bury him, but, I guess I could use his car.

I haul the lifeless body of 'Christopher' over my shoulder and toss him to the side of the road.

"Incendia," I mutter, watching in amusement as his body goes up in flames. I look down at myself and see my t-shirt soaked in blood. Great. I remove it and throw it on top of the burning body, the smell beginning to reach me.

I walk back to Chri... I guess my car now and begin to check for a spare t-shirt. To my luck it seems this guy was going on a trip, judging by his packed duffel bag, and to my joy there's a bay watch t-shirt inside. It's baggy but I tuck it into my jeans and it looks okay.

Jumping into the drivers seat I turn the keys and hear the engine roar to life. Now, how fast does this thing go?

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