"We have less than a minute."

She memorized every part and angle of Kevin Mendez—her target. Her eyes roam for possible hits and saw another member of the team on the opposite building. They nodded at each other.

She held her breath and slowly let it out, counting carefully as she slowly pulled the trigger. Her entire focused on Kevin that she didn't notice a man behind her. He pulled her hair and punched her, slamming her on the wall. She cried in pain as the man took out his dagger. Fortunately, she was fast enough to move her head to her side. She slide between his legs and pulled a knife hidden in her boots. Without hesitations, she threw it to the man which sank deep in his throat.

She was catching her breath when the man fell dead.  Her heart was racing. She can feel the metallic taste blood inside her mouth, but that didn't stop her from going back to her post. Kevin Mendez was far from her sight but it doesn't mean she can't shoot him. When she glance to the window where one of her team members post is, he wasn't there—probably dead.

She immediately turn the gun to her target's direction who's getting farther. With focus, she concentrated with her aim, again.

The moment she pulled the trigger, a bullet hit her arm causing a slight movement change that affected the bullet's direction. Everything went in slow motion as her bullet shot into one of Kevin Mendez's guards. And just like that, her target was in full alert.

"Shit..." she clutched her arm and immediately look at where the bullet hit then looked up to see where the bullet in her arm is from. She saw a man from the opposite building where one of her teammates used to stand. Son of a bitch, she angrily thought.

Before she could catch another bullet, she hid behind a wall.

Alarms started blaring. And people were in panic. She's sure as hell that Kevin is escaping.

Her earpiece was gone but that's the least of her concerns when her arm is literally falling off her body and a criminal getting away.

She took off the stolen uniform, tear a piece of fabric, and tightly wrapped it around her wounded arm. Suddenly, the door started pounding. There's no way she'll let the police get her before they get Kevin so she did what she has to do: walk on the building's ledge.

One wrong step and she could fall to her death, but that's better than being behind bars for going after criminals, isn't it? It is for Gian. The audacity of some police to come after her when they can't even pin down a single smuggler. Bunch of pathetic losers!

She examined her distance from the ground and how her life depends on it. It was high but she noticed the open window a few steps away. That's an escape.

She let go of the breath she didn't know she was holding when she finally step inside another room. From the suitcase near the door and the clothes on the bed, the room was obviously taken. Whoever it is, is in the shower. Although, when she took another step, the bathroom door opened and a man walked out. A towel hanging from his head that saved Gian from his sight. At least, he doesn't have to kill him. She crouched down under the table.

"Mom, no." he said to the phone he's holding "I promise to be there tomorrow. Don't worry. I'm just too busy right now."

Gian recognizes that voice. It's one of the men she passed by a couple of minutes ago. So, he's getting married? Gian almost snorted. It's none of her business, but he surely doesn't sound that excited. Maybe it's another case of arrange marriage, but whose counting anyway?

She took the burner phone out of her boot and asked for a getaway. 2 minutes, her boss replied. She had to wait for 2 minutes. 2 fucking minutes. Patience is not Gian's strongest suit, but she's working on it. So instead of justifying her thoughts of killing the man inside the room, she breathe and hid herself better.

She look at the mirror where she can see the man's back. He's dressing up while still talking to someone on the phone. He looks to good to be on the grave when he's wearing nothing but a towel over his head. She tilted her head to get a clearer view. At least, he has a good ass, she smirked.

"I promised, didn't I? I'll be at my wedding. An hour before before you even get there. Will that make you happy?" His voice was calm but the man sure looked irritated.

30 seconds...

Gian looked at the window she's going for. It will take approximately ten long strides and five seconds to get there.

She braved herself and tiptoed behind him.

"Yes, please. Tell, dad, I miss him."

Gian rolled down, when the man turned around. She hissed as she landed on her wounded arm, making it bleed more.

She can't hid there for long.

10 seconds...

She breath and stood up, not caring if the man see her or not. With long strides, she headed to the window.

"Hey!" the man's voice echoed the room but she didn't glance back. Instead she run faster jumped leaving the man stone shock behind.

"Carter, is everything alright?"

"I—uh... I think, someone might just jumped out of my window."

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