"You know the cake that Jin is bringing?" Jungkook paused waiting for Jimin's hum at acknowledgement before continuing. "It better be fucking delicious I've waited over two months." He pointedly said making Jimin laugh knowing the cake was bound to be delicious. 

Jimin parked in the usual spot where he keeps his car and pushed the keys into his pocket to open the trunk and grab the bags with Jungkook. "We don't make two trips." Jungkook said with complete seriousness and and walked away from the car with the majority of the bags from the trunk dangling from both of his arms. (A/N If you make more than one trip who are you?

Jimin shook his head with a laugh and collected the last three bags before locking the car and lightly jogging to catch up with his determined fiance. 

Jungkook let out a loud groan as he set the bags down on the table releasing his forearms from the pressure the bags were providing. "Hot" Jimin joked setting the keys down in the glass bowl on the counter. "Shut up."

Once the pair finished unpacking the bags and storing everything away in the pantry or the fridge Jimin left the kitchen to get dressed for the "party" they were having. As Jimin slid his leather jacket on over his t-shirt he jumped at the front door slamming. 

"What's up fuckers." Hoseok's recognizable voice yelled loudly causing another voice to laugh. "Why do you have my phone?" Jungkook yelled reciting the next line of the vine Hoseok was clearly referencing causing Jimin to laugh quietly to himself. "Cause fuck you that's why." Hoseok yelled again and then collapsed into hysterical fits of laughter. 

Jimin adjusted his choker and walked out of his bedroom sliding across the wood with his socks into the living room. "Hi baby." Hoseok cheered and pulled Jimin into a tight hug after catching him due to being in his path of sliding. "Hi Hobi." Jimin smiled brightly pressing a friendly kiss to the other one's cheek. 

"I'm here." Another voice sang out causing Jimin to look up and run across the room to the door into the arms of his best friend. Taehyung staggered before he steadied himself and squeezed Jimin's waist tightly. "I missed you." Jimin fake sobbed causing the other boy to laugh and press a light kiss to his forehead. "I missed you too."

"Yoongi." Jungkook yelled excitedly as he was almost tackled in a tight hug from the shorter one. Yoongi laughed at the excitement and pressed exaggerated kisses all of his face causing the younger one to giggle and push him away. "We're already a mess." Jin commented closing the door and locking it behind Namjoon as they just arrived. 

After about an hour of mindless talking and yelling Namjoon and Jin were stationed in the kitchen distributing carb loaded food onto seven different plates. "None of you get to drink until after you finish all of this." Jin said dominantly and waved his utensil over the plates full of food and the group groaned. 

"But I wanna drink." Hoseok whined earning a heavy glare from the eldest in the group. "Eat." Jin said shortly and Hoseok let out a sigh before pulling a plate up from the counter and walking back into the living room. Eventually everyone staggered into the kitchen to grab a plate for themselves before snuggling back into the living room on different areas of the room. 

"Taehyung, what the hell is your fascination with coffee tables?" Jimin suddenly asked watching his best friend moving up to the edge of their table in the center of the room before shoveling a spoonful of rice into his mouth. All he received was a shrug before his attention was pulled away by a weight on his lap. Jimin looked down to see brightly colored socks covering the pair of feet on his lap. He looked over to see Hoseok smiling brightly at him before eating. 

Once everyone was done eating they played a game to determine who had to the dishes- it ended up being Taehyung and Namjoon who whined the entire way into the kitchen. After scrubbing the dishes and putting them in the rack to dry they reemerged in the living room. 

"Who's ready to drink?" Namjoon asked with a smirk and wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. He and Taehyung both laughed at the hands that shot into the air and motioned for everyone to move into the kitchen. 

"Try a new drink?" Jungkook whispered into his lovers ear and light goosebumps decorated his neck. Jimin bit his lip and tilted his head to the side in thought before nodding slowly in agreement to the proposition. Jungkook cheered and pulled him by the hand to the counter where Jin and Namjoon were standing ready to fulfill orders like free bartenders. 


Okay guys this is part one of the chapter because I didn't want it to be too long it's already almost at 2K words and the fun hasn't even started yet. So the next chapter will be the second half of the night.  

- Rose 

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