Chapter 2: New Start

Start from the beginning

'I know, right?'

'The costumes are on point. It's so different.'

'Their live shows looked amazing.'

'The frontman looks like a pope.'

'They had different popes in every album.'

'The guys playing the instruments known as The Nameless Ghouls. But each of them represents by the alchemical elements.'

'Awesome idea.'

'I want to be Earth.' He played drums for several years.

'I want to be Water.' Kyle looked at her, confused. 'What do you mean?' 'I do love the sound of the bass guitar. I want one, but I don't know what kind of bass guitar I want.' She replied. Kyle understood. They listen to more songs and they love it. 'Well, this is our number one favourite band so far, Mary.' Suddenly, her smile fades, curled into a ball, head on her knees and cried. Kyle jumped off his bed and sat beside her in the bed. 'What's wrong?' He politely asked her. She tried to speak, but her flashbacks are too painful for her.

Kyle got out of the bed and rushed to his parents. 'Mum. Dad. Mary is crying.' They stood up from the sofa and ran to the bedroom. Kate went in first, sat beside Mary and hugged her. 'Don't worry. We are here for you.' Mary slowly calmed down and her body shaken from the adrenaline. She looked up and she stuttered, 'I-I-I-I-I-I'm s-s-s-s-s-sorry. T-t-t-t-the i-i-i-images of t-t-t-t-the p-p-p-p-past i-i-i-i-i-i-i-is s-s-so h-h-h-h-h-horrible.' Kate looked at James and he nodded. Kate looked at Mary and said, 'We'll take you to the Psychiatrist tomorrow.' Mary wiped her tears and nodded to be brave.

Meanwhile, a tall, slim figure watched over the window of their flat, outside. Examine the family and look at Mary and Kyle. Kate and James left the bedroom. Mary looked out of the window and saw the figure. The shadow figure lifted its gloved hand and make a quiet sign. She saw the eye colours of the figure. One dark green, other pale white. She thought she knew who it is. It walked away into the darkness. She shut the curtains and went into bed.

Next morning, they got up and having breakfast. Mary felt nervous about the appointment at the hospital. 'We'll go with you. As a family.' James said. 

After breakfast, they took a public bus to the hospital and waiting for the Psychiatrist to appear. 

Mary froze in time with her flashbacks. Kyle gently poke her and Mary's tears started streaming down her face. He put the headphones on Mary and put Ghost on. She began to come back to the present. She looked at Kyle and thanked him. 

The psychiatrist called Mary's name and they walked with her to the office. They talk for an hour, the psychiatrist examines Mary, told James and Kate that Mary has got Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and she told them to take care of Mary. They thanked the psychiatrist and left the office. 

'Now we know what it is, we'll get back home and watch a film, together.' James suggested. Mary nodded her head.

As they exit the hospital, Mary saw the man in the black suit with alchemical symbols on the right side of his chest, wearing the silver upside down cross with incomplete circle looked like a G and the silver mask with the horns and no mouth. She rubbed her eyes and the man quickly disappeared. She thought she was hallucinating and she ignored it.

They got home and Kyle put An American Werewolf in London on the DVD player. Mary love classic horror films. She imagined how scary it was back then. Mary sat on the sofa. Kate gave Mary a bowl of chocolate ice cream and James put the blanket on her. 'Thanks, guys. You really don't have to do this.' She commented. 'We are only doing it to make you feel happy. We look after each other.' Kate smiled. They sat down with Mary and watched the film, together. James jumped when there is jump scares. Kyle and Mary laughed. 

Mary looked out of the window and saw the same man from the hospital. His hands behind his back, looking at her. She tried to stay calm and she heard a voice in her head. Don't panic. I'm here to keep an eye on you. Papa saw you and your brother listen to Ghost for the first time and you liked it, last night. Impressive I must say. We'll look after you, as well. Mary's tears poured lightly. She wiped the tears away and Kyle asked her, 'Are you okay, Mary?' She turned her head and nodded. She turned her head back to the window and the man disappeared. She felt anxious about it. She doesn't understand what's going on.

The film finished and Kate stood up and walked to the kitchen to cook dinner. Kyle put the film away and James guided Mary to the bedroom. 

She sat on her bed and James grab her laptop to pass it to her. 'Thank you, dad. I wouldn't have the perfect family, if I wasn't adopted.' She said. James smiled, 'We are lucky to have you, as our daughter. You're special to us.' Mary sigh in happiness. 'Thanks.' James exit the bedroom as she put the laptop on. 

Thirty minutes later, Kyle entered with the tray of food. She turned off the laptop. He handed the tray on Mary's lap, then sat on her bed and lifted his plate of food his lap. 'Thanks, Kyle.' She thanked him. 'No problem, sis.' Kyle said. They eat dinner, together. The next day, WILL change Mary's life, forever.

***As you can tell, I have PTSD from bullying at 11 years old. Also with anxiety since I was young. I've been through hell and back with hidden scars. 

Final thing with the protagonist, I have Speech & Language disability (Specific Language Impairment). She get a medium confused moments as I get confused MOST of the time, due to long talking without pauses, no visual clues and very complicated vocabulary.

Music is my way to get through things. Music therapy inspired me from the age of 6 ;) 

It's okay to tell people about your disability or mental illness. I was hard for me to talk about my disability and mental health. But now, I'm comfortable to do that. Talk to your family, friends, colleagues or professionals about it.***

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