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Augustine Sycamore's POV

"After many attempts by Team Flare, you still let their huge attempt come by" The Champion of Kanto and Johto; Lance complained. The message Diantha asked to send to the others of the Council of what happened with Team Flare. While Kalos is still recovering, most of us were deeply surprised.

"Calm down Lance," The Champion of Hoenn; Steven assured "I know what we all saw. Team Flare had this plan all figured out until we rebelled against them and saved Kalos, but believe me, what they used and what defeated them would spook anyone's mind." Some bickering was made by the Champions. But the Professors only made silent. This is mostly usual during these urgent meetings. 

"What about Team Flare?" Professor of Unova; Juniper asked in thought. This made everyone in the room stare at me including myself "They are still at large and can strike once again. This also relates to other organizations".

She displayed holographic images of ice encasing through the seas of Unova close to the Abyssal Ruins. Although I never been to that area, I have heard of it myself.

"These incidents are lead by Team Rocket; an organization lead unusually in the Kanto region. Instead they did this attack in Unova which according to what we heard from the locals was in attack by Team Plasma before Ghetsis' arrest. As such with Team Flare, this only occurred in Kalos where they inhabited."

"That is very detailed information Professor Juniper," Champion of Sinnoh; Cynthia complimented "But what does this have to do with our current situation at hand after what the locals are calling as 'The Kalos Crisis'?"

"What I'm saying is that these organizations are getting more dangerous having these plans made beneath our own noses," Juniper replied "We can't keep quiet about this from the locals anymore. The more knowledge we keep only to us, the more trouble the regions have with these organizations getting more and more frequent activity since the Kanto War. If this keeps up, our regions would only come to a first true World War."

This made the rest of the Council have conversations with one another. My hunch, however, may be telling me Juniper is right. The public already knows of The Attack of Team Flare and reports are known of Team Rockets attack on Unova or that's what Cynthia have told in her report. Something's gotta be changed or made newly if this keeps getting more worse by each time things like this happens. 

Then that's when it popped in my head or more like more clearly quick thinking chose that. I quickly stood up as if my body thought for itself.

"I think I may have the answer" I quickly said causing most of the Council to glare at me with intentions. I however continued "Months ago, Diantha and I once had an idea when we heard of Unova's incident with Team Plasma and Team Rocket. We had to keep that idea not operational since we had little progress made during that time-"

"Sycamore, if I may cut you there for a second?" Diantha interrupted me "That idea you speak of isn't worth the moment. I thought we agreed to shut it down since we don't have the necessary requirements needed."

"Oh we do," I objected "The only problem is that you just don't see it...yet."     

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