Chapter 34

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~Naruto POV~ 

I collapsed as the pain spread throughout my body. 

I laid on the ground holding my sides, screaming.

The pain was nothing like I experienced before. Mostly because I thought I could feel pain no longer.

It felt like I was being stabbed, burned, and cut into pieces over and over, again and again.

Kurama, Kuro, Kakashi, Yuki, Natalie, Kiba, Choji, Shikamaru, Fumiko, who's siblings were playing with Paku and Roa,Katsuo, Kouki, Gaara, Jiji, along with Itachi, Fugaku, and Mikoto, who stayed to watch even after Sasuke left to train, raced down to me, trying to figure out what happened. 

I saw Kurama push his way to the front, shoving everyone away, through my now blurring vision. 

"Naruto. Can you hear me?" Kura said slowly. 

I did my best to nod my head, suppressing a rising whimper. I soon felt my henge give out.

"Naru. Listen to me, okay." He paused as I nodded my head, letting a whimper lose.

"I need you to take deep breaths. You are transforming into your nine-tails form. It will hurt, but you can get through it, alright." Kurama explained.

I take in a breath and held it, before the pain made me release my breath for another whimper to take place. 

"I-It hur-hurts, Kura!" I cried. 

For the first time in years, I cried. 

Kurama gently picked me up and held me. I grabbed onto his shirt and cried into his shoulder. 

"I'm going to take you to a more open area, okay?" Kurama said, to which I gave a small nod.

I felt him carry me off to somewhere away from the village, everyone else following behind us.

Once we were far enough, Kurama set me down, everyone else giving us space.

Another round of pain surged through my body. 

I screamed out and curled in on myself. 

I felt a tail sprouting out of me, and claws growing on my hands and feet. 

The claws tore trough my shoes and my clothes suddenly getting to small for me. 

I felt a soft substance sprout from my skin which I am going to guess is fur. 

I screamed once again as I continued to grow more. 

My bones started to crack and break before being redone in different positions to make me seem more animal like. As I continued to grow, my scream started to sound like a pained roar.

I opened my eyes as the pain subsided some. 

I was laying on the ground due to the pain coursing through my body.

I saw all of my friends and family, except Kura-nii, gawking at me. 

Kurama was standing in front of me, in his full-sized nine-tails beast form.

"Naruto, are you good now?" The giant beast asked. 

"A little..." I trailed off, my voice deeper and strained due to my screaming. 

"Do you want to try to walk, or rest for a while?" Kurama asked me. 

I tried to get up, but found myself unable to do so.

"I guess I'll rest then..." I said, my eyes starting to feel heavy. 

"Then go to sleep, Naru-chan." Kura whispered, leaning down, nuzzling my, now, fox-like head.

I closed my eyes and let the darkness engulf me in a dreamless slumber.

~Kurama's POV~

I turned to look at everyone who had followed Naruto and I. 

I quickly transformed back into my human form.

"Naruto needs some rest. You guys can stay here if you want, but he should wake up in a few hours if you want to leave. So keep quiet and leave Naruto be for now, understood?" I spoke to the crowd of people behind me, receiving nods in response. 

I sighed and went back to Naruto. 

I stroked his now furry head, wishing I could have help him with the pain more than I did.

Hey guys! Yes, yes, I am aware that this chapter is short, like the last, but, to be fair, I am updating quicker, am I not? I most certainly do hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, then let me know. Anyways, until next time, bye!

Word Count: 673

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