Chapter 1

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  Hi! My name is Naruto Uzumaki, and I am currently getting beaten by the the villagers for what I hold inside of me. The Nine-Tails. His name is Kurama. Some people refer to him as the Kyuubi. But he does not like to be called that tho. I have known about Kurama for as long as I can remember. 

  It is my 7th birthday today, and i couldn't make to my hiding spot in the Forest of Death. I am friends with some of the animals there. The other animals just ignore me and leave me be. I prefer that over the treatment the villagers give me any day of the week.

You see I put up a mask that makes people think I am an idiot, always 'happy go lucky', and the dead last. I have found that if I do not show the villagers how smart and strong i actually am, they beat me less often. But that does not stop them from glaring and yelling at me.

The villagers do not let me shop in their stores or eat at their restaurants. The only people that let me eat at their restaurant, Ichiraku, is Teuchi and his daughter, Ayame.  I think I might tell them I am The ANBU Captain, Killer Fox. It may not seem like it, but I am. I have two friends outside of my ANBU life. Those two are Shikamaru Nara, and Choji Akimichi.

We have been friends since we were around three or four years old, and the only ones other than Jiji that knows how smart I am.

I sometimes train with them and their parents when they let me. We have started to hang out less since they be going to the Ninja academy in less than a year. I already graduated when I was four and became an ANBU at six. But Jiji said I should go back to the academy and meet kids my age. I do not think that will happen tho.

All the other kids ignore me and call me names and such. Their parents will not let them talk to me anyway tho.

This is my first story on wattpad so I can only hope that is okay. Thank You for reading even tho it is probably is not that great .

Word Count: 395

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