[17] ❝Back to the past❞

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Sans looked at his timetable as he heard the bell ring. ❛Great. The next lesson is...Science. Better hurry or I would be late❜ Sans thought to himself as he teleported to the lab.

He found a seat and sat there, waiting for the teacher to start the lesson. ❛I wonder who's going to be my lab partner?❜ Sans was deeply in thought until he was interrupted by someone asking him something.

"Excuse me, may I sit here?" A voice similar to his was heard.

"of course buddy. what's your name?" Sans said politely.

"I'm Lust" The skeleton spoke.

For the past few months, Sans and Lust had been great friends

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For the past few months, Sans and Lust had been great friends.

They were always seen together, unless they were in separate classes. Even after school, they would usually go home together, and even Papyrus knows him too. And...

Sans is falling in love with him.

When he is close to him, his soul would pound fast. Really fast and he would be blushing at the slightest action that he makes, even talking.

Papyrus founds out after he dashes into his room to see Sans sleeping with Lust's jacket which he has accidentally left in his house the day before. And after finding out, he encourages Sans to confess. Well...

this is going to a hard thing to confess.

this is going to a hard thing to confess

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dear diary,

in a few days' time, i would be confessing my feelings to him. I know, why am i writing this to my diary? well, i just wanted to let it all out. also, i have also met some monsters who are...not so...nice.

hopefully the next few days would be better.

hopefully the next few days would be better

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A New Start [A Kustard Fanfiction]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora