[10] ❝Confusion❞

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Sorry for the lack of updates for...2 weeks if I'm not wrong. Lots of stuff was going on. Dozens of homeworks that I needed to do everyday, Staying back for extra classes or Co-Curriculum Activities and also some family bonding time. But finally, I have some time during the weekends to write this. Enjoy!

It has been a few days since the 'incident'

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It has been a few days since the 'incident'.

Sans was glad that he...wasn't in his school and that Fell hasn't noticed anything. He was still the same old Fell, flirting with him whenever he can and taking care of him. Sans was still uncomfortable with the other monsters, telling them to kiss in public and taking pictures of them.

However, that all changed when one day...

"Alright class. We have a new student which had transferred to this class due to personal reasons. Please welcome, Lust!" Sans' expression immediately changed into fear and terror as he felt that his panic or anxiety attack is coming when he saw Lust entering the classroom, smiling and giving a smirk at Sans. He immediately squeezed Fell's phalanges even tighter, preventing himself from hyperventilating. Fell noticed it almost immediately and went to whisper assurance to Sans, hopefully for it to stop or improve.

However, that did not help as Sans started to hyperventilate. Some of the students such as Undyne and Alphys noticed it and started to go to their desk to help him. The teacher noticed and immediately told the class to stay in the classroom as he would call the hospital and let him go to the sick bay first.

"Wait, may I go too?" Fell said, taking a bold move.

The teacher gave a smile and said, "Of course. I would call his brother later." Fell was relief that the teacher agreed. At least his bold move paid off. But, he can't understand one thing.

Why did he started to hyperventilate?

Anyways, no time. He holded one of his phalanges and whispered reassuring word to him. Hopefully it would work. After a few minutes, they reached the sick bay and one of the nurses went to get Sans on the bed as the nurse told them that they should call the hospital immediately since hey suspect that Sans might be having an attack. However, they didn't specify what the exact problem is. The teacher went outside to call an ambulance as Fell continued to whisper reassuring words to him. It seemed to be working, as he felt Sans' breathing calming down.

"Ok. Thank you." Fell heard the teacher said as they went back into the sick bay, checking if Sans is ok. Sans is now asleep, cuddling Fell which is his closest thing to him. Fell smiled, seeing that Sans is cuddling the lower half of his body while sleeping. Seeing this, the teacher shot a glance at Fell, indicating something. Fell understood, and nodded his head as the teacher left. He looked at Sans as he thoughts to himself. God, he looked so adorable!!!

But one question still lingers in his mind.

Why did he have an attack?

Fell went deep into thought. He doesn't seem to have any kinds of discomfort when he met him. He has never seen him being so terrified, other than the time when Nightmare and his hand of friends hit him. So...

Why did he looked so terrified when he sees Lust?

That is one mystery that he decides to investigate as he felt Sans hugging his lower body tighter.

That is one mystery that he decides to investigate as he felt Sans hugging his lower body tighter

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To be continued! <3

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