#32 - Notoriously Beautiful

40 22 9

//17:27 [ #Day21 and it's time for some notorious action! ] [ For ec_poetry's Camp ]


Stubborn, Nosey
Overdoing, Overaving, Palling
Beauty comes with notoriety
Sparkling, Scintillating, Smiling
Alluring, Quirky

Notoriety Stubborn, Nosey Overdoing, Overaving, Palling Beauty comes with notorietySparkling, Scintillating, SmilingAlluring, Quirky Beauty

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Another diamanté!
You know, this appealed me so much that I was forced to it again.

❣ Refer to Chapter "#29 - Diamantes" to know more.

❣I'm another one of those stubborn and rhetorical poets, isn't it? 😶

❣Keeping jokes... err (Reality) apart, this poem's about the two faces of people, one which captures the beautiful side and the other manipulating the notorious one. 

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