chapter 5

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Bakugo P.O.V

Laying here in my bed, thinking about how I can help Izuku.
There has to be a way to reverse this.

Maybe I can find that Villian on the internet.

I grabbed my laptop and started searching for Reality Villian.

"There she is! Wait is this an ad?!?" I glanced over the article I found and sure enough this damn woman uses her quirk to make dreams come true at a certain cost.
I emailed her. "She replied quick!"

It said, "Hi Katsuki. I remember you. You were in that class I attacked at UA. So you want your dreams to come true? Come meet me at the following address."

"She is going down!"

~~~~~sometime later~~~~~

I arrived at the meeting place early to beat her here so I can force her to reverse what she had done.

"You're early!" I turned around. She didnt hesitate in coming closer and grabbing my face.

"What is your dream, Katsuki-kun?" She toke off her gloves and just like before clouds started to appear.

I tried to use my quirk but I was frozen. "So you are in love with that boy that I turned into a girl?"

She stroked my face. "If you want to reverse what I've done, then the full dream has to be met. Poor Izuku his dream was something he couldn't have while he was a boy. Can you help him achieve his dream?"

And just like that she disappeared. I looked around trying to find her.

Damn it. What can't Izuku have when he was a guy?

Heading home I started to think about what it could be.

Wait could he be wanting a kid or something? No he is too young.

Damn it Deku what do you want?!?!?!?!

Without knowing I ended up in front of Izukus appartment

How did I end up here without knowing?

I stood in front of his doors for what seemed like hours.

I finally knocked on the door.
Izuku opened the door.

Before he could say anything I ran up and hugged him.

"I'm sorry Izuku. I'm so sorry!" For the first time in years I cried.

Real Dreams katsudeku/Katsuki X Fem! DekuWhere stories live. Discover now