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Jisoo’s POV

Today I’m going to visit Jennie again after 3 weeks. I miss her so much, can’t wait to see her even if she doesn’t want to see me. I hope she realizes something and of course I’m hoping it’s on my favor.

“Chaeyoung-aaaaah! I miss you!” i said as I entered the shop

“Jisoo00! I miss you mooooore!” she run to me and hugged me tight

“How have you been? Sorry i wasn’t able to contact you while i was in Jeju. You know I’m trying to distract myself by learning new things there” i asked as i hand her a coffee

“Thank you! I’m doing good Unnie. So, how was your business trip, soon-to-be CEO?” she teased as she took a sip on her coffee

“It’s fun. I got to meet new people but there was just this one guy who never failed to ruin my days there. Anyhow, the experience was cool, i guess”

“I bet you’re also here to get another bouquet of roses”

“You got it”

“Okay, let me prepare it for you”

“Uh, Ji I’m going back to Australia tomorrow. I just thought i should let you know” she said as she continue to prepare the bouquet

“Ugh whhhyyyy? Okay, can’t do anything about that, your family’s there. When are you coming back?” i said sadly

“I don’t know, a year or two? It depends on my parents actually. I want to spend time with them. You know, they are not get any younger”

“Don’t forget about me, okay? I’m gonna miss you so much. I don’t have anyone whom i can talk whenever and whatever i want anymore” i said and pouted

“Gosh Jisoo unnie I’ll never forget you! Don’t worry we can always contact each other. Okay? Don’t be sad. Here’s your flower”

“Thanks, can i send you off tomorrow at the airport?”

“I’d love to, unnie”


Going to Jennie i felt kinda strange maybe because I haven’t seen her for 3 long weeks. I was kinda late because of my catching up with Chaeng so i decided to go directly at the parking area. When i saw her i felt so happy but when I walk closer I saw that she’s with someone. She’s with a guy. I felt jealous and hurt but i shrugged it off. I walked a little closer to approach her because maybe he’s just a friend and they’re just talking.

But when I’m about to call out her name, the guy suddenly kissed her and Jennie didn’t protest. I was hurt. So fucking hurt that my whole body felt numb. I unconsciously dropped the bouquet and the letter.

No. They can’t see me hurting like this. So, i turned around and run away as fast as i could. I run to the point that my feet hurts. I tried to run away from the pain that’s chasing me while crying.

I went to Chaeng’s flower shop. It’s already close but the light inside was still on so i assumed that Chaeyoung was still there.

I knocked the door

“Sorry but we’re already closed” Chaeyoung shouted inside

“Chaeng! It’s me! Jisoo!” i shouted back still crying

I heard a step approaching the door

“Yes, Ji? Did you left somet-- OH MY GOD! What happened, Ji?”

I didn’t talk, i just run to her and hugged her so tight. When i calm down i explained to her everything what had happened.

“I saw her kissing a guy, Chaeng!” i sobbed again

“Ji? I think it’s time to let go. Maybe she’s happy now with the one she truly love. If you love her then let her be happy. There are people that aren’t meant to be yours. They are there to give you lessons in life but they are aren’t meant to stay, it’s like they’re just a chapter to your book. Enough is enough, Unnie. You already gave too much and next best step to do is to stop. Give yourself a favor, let go of the pain. You deserve someone better and be happy. What truly yours will eventually be yours and what is not, no matter how hard you try, will never be” she said while she’s hugging me

“This is gonna be hard” i mumbled as i snuggled my face to her neck, still crying.

“I think the fuck not. You don’t have good memories with her to reminisce, y’know” she teases to lighten the mood and we both giggled.

She's right tho

“But really unnie. I know you’ll get over it. I know.” she whispered as she kissed my forehead.


“Yes, Ji?”

“You mentioned earlier that you’ll going back to Australia tomorrow”

“Yep, I did. Why?”

“Can i go with you, please?” i pleaded

“Sure Unnie” she said as she whipped my tears away


This is what you want all this time.

I’m finally letting you go.

I just wish you all the happiness in life.

I love you
good bye, Jennie Kim.


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