Tae: "But if you think he is doing this because he wants me, then why should I wait?"

YG: "You need to let Jungkook make the first move to be extra sure." He puts his hand on Tae's shoulder, says, "But don't worry...I think I can help speed the process."

Tae: "How?"

YG: "Just wait and see, my friend."
Jimin snatches the glasses away from Jungkook after seeing him twirl them around, says, "Hey, be careful with those. I didn't get chased around by 20 hungry cats just for you to break them after one day."

JK: "Sorry Jiminie.."

JM: "Just be careful." He lifts his hand up and pokes Jungkook's shoulder, says, "Hey, are you OK Kookie? You've been acting strange ever since the ceremony."

JK: "Not really.."

Jimin pulls up a chair in front of him and sits down. While putting Jungkook's glasses on, he crosses his leg over the other and says, "Well then. Tell Dr. Jimin what's been going through your mind."

Jungkook lets out a moan of displeasure, says, "I'll tell you later." He reaches over to a table filled with hors d'Oeuvres. Jimin smacks Jungkook's hand before he could grab another meatball, says, "You can't eat your problems away, Jungkook."

JK: "I've only had 2.."

After Jimin raised his eyebrow, Jungkook says, "Okay maybe 3.."

JM: "I don't think you're quite there yet."

Jungkook crosses his arms, says, "Fine...6."

JM: "Come on, Kookie. You can't blame your dad for wanting to be in another relationship. No one wants to be alone for the rest of their life."

JK: "It's not just that, Jimin.."

JM: "Then what else is it?"

JK: "Taehyung and I are...step brothers.."

JM: "Yeahhh. That's what happens when two unrelated people's parents marry. You knew this."

JK: "It's just that...this changes everything."

JM: "I mean to be fair it's not like you guys are actual brothers."

JK: "That's not what I'm concerned about.."

Their conversation was cut short when Hojin calls for everyone's attention~

(Hojin talking into a mic)

HJ: "Ahem, can I get everyone's attention? ...thank you. Now, before the food is served, I would like to explain the seating arrangements." He held his hand out towards the left side of the room, "The tables on my left side are for friends of the family and are unassigned. So you may sit wherever you would like." He switching to his other hand, says, "However, this one on my right is reserved for family members. Each seat is assigned, so please, find your name and be seated."

JM: "Aw man...this means I won't be able to sit with you..?"

JK: "I guess not...well, at least you have Yoongi to sit by."

JM: "Oh yeah...him." He scratches his head and says, "I could of sworn he called me cute earlier."

JK: "Really?? Are you sure...? That doesn't really sound like something Yoongi would say."

JM: "Yeah, you're right. I probably just heard wrong. Anyways, I'll see you after linch then." He takes the glasses off and puts them back on Jungkook. He gives him a pat on the head before he walks off towards Yoongi.

Love a Bully ᯽ VkookWhere stories live. Discover now