She paused for a moment and then looked at me. "I don't think so."

"Should I be worried?"

"I don't know. I don't even know where everyone in my family stands on same sex couples." I nodded my head in response. "Could I give you some advice?"


"Talk to Blake about it before tonight. I think your biggest problems might be Grandma and Uncle Jim. Either way, make sure you both are going to be comfortable."

"Yeah. I just.... do they know that I even live here now?"

"I think mom might've told Grandma that she took someone in, but didn't give many details." I nodded my head in response right as Blake walked in with a grocery bag. "You're back? That was really fast."

"Yeah it was creepily empty today." He went and put the stuff away and then grabbed a glass to join us at the table. "How's it going?" He asked as a poured a glass of juice.

"Fine. We were actually talking about tonight," Anna responded.

"Oh yeah. I was going to talk to you about that Aiden," he replied. "I haven't told any of my family that we're dating, so, I asked mom for some advice the other day."

"Okay," I said to let him know that I was listening.

"She said that she feels our main problem might be that Grandma may not agree with you staying here since we're dating. She also doesn't know about Uncle Jim."

"Called it," Anna blurted out. "Uncle Jim has always been an uptight, judgemental prick."

"Anyways," Blake said to bring the attention back to the conversation. "I don't mind whether we tell them or not. I just want you to be comfortable."

"I don't care. I mean, I don't really want to go flaunting it around, or have an annoucment or anything. But, if it comes out in a conversation, so be it. Doesn't matter."

"Agreed. That's exactly what I was thinking."

"Okay, but if Uncle Jim, or even Grandma, says something poorly judgemental about lgbtq plus, I swear, I will raise hell," Anna remarked.

"Okay calm down there hot stuff," Blake told her and she glared back at him.

* * * *

It's about 10 minutes until the "start" time of the dinner and I'm helping Julie prepare the last of the food, while Blake and Anna moved around the furniture so we could all sit in the living room. I had just place the last dish on the counter when the doorbell rang.

"I got it," Anna called out and walked to the door. "Hi, Grandma Jean." I heard her say as she opened the door.

"Hi sweetie." I still haven't moved from the kitchen, but I could hear them talking. "So, where's the boy that's been staying with you?" I could hear Jean ask.

"He's in the kitchen finishing up a couple things for me," Julie answered.

"Oh, I'll go get him," I heard Blake say. I turned and started going towards the living room. "It's just Grandma and Grandpa right now. Remember, if you get overwhelmed, you can step out for a couple minutes."

"Yeah," I responded and walked into the living room.

"You must be Aiden," Jean called out and embraced me in a hug. "I'm Grandma Jean, and this is Grandpa Pat."

"It's nice to meet you," I told them. The doorbell rang indicating that more of the family had shown up. I took a deep breath, Alright, here we go.

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