Chapter 14

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Aiden's POV

I looked between Aiden's mom and my dad in shock. I didn't know what was going on anymore. "Over my dead body will you ever get custody of him!" My dad yelled.

"I could arrange that if you like," Blakes mom said. I could see the rage forming in my dad's eyes, and quite frankly it scared me. Blake noticing it, wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer.

"Guess I'll see you in court then." My dad glared at us. "But don't get me wrong. You can't escape me, I'll get you again you worthless faggot." Blake tighten his grip on me as my dad turned and walked to his car.

Once he was gone I let out a shaky breath. Blakes mom turned around and pulled me into a tight hug. Tears started to roll down my checks. "It's going to be okay," she whispered. We pulled apart and she gave me a soft smile and I used the sleeve of my shirt to dry my tears.

"So I guess we can go home now," Blake said.

"No. Aiden and I can go home," his mom informed, "you need to go back to school."

"What? Mom. No."

"Yes Blake. It's the last day of the week. Both of you missed yesterday. You need to go get any work both of you may be missing. Aiden and I will go home and take it easy, you go to school. It will only be for a few hours, it's not the end of the world."

He let out a sigh. "Fine. Aiden give me you number." He pulled out his phone.

"No to that also."


"Doctor said no electronics. I don't want you blowing up Aiden's phone with messages."

"Ugh. Okay." I smiled at him and he ruffled my hair. "By the way, you are not obligated to answer any questions she asks you. Take it easy okay?" I nodded in response. He pulled me into his chest. "See you soon." He pulled away and gave his mom a kiss on the check. "Bye mom."

"Bye bud. Have a good day." She turned to me. "I had to park across the street, it's a disaster in this parking lot."

We turned and started walking to the crosswalk to cross to the coffee shop across the street that she must've parked at. "What do you mean by that you're filling for tempory custody for me?"

"Oh, well there's this thing that the parents can figure out, or as I just researched a judge can order it." She paused for a moment. "When Blake was younger, he had a friend who's parents wanted to go on a 3 month trip. Well they had no family up here, so instead of keeping him out of school for 3 months they asked if I could be his temporary guardian. I had no idea what it meant." I silently laughed at her hand gestures. If you didn't know her, you would think she's talking about something absolutely crazy. "Well she told me that it pretty much means that he would have permission to stay at my house and I have permission to take him to any appointments he may need within those three months."

I nodded. "But how is that going to work, my dad is never going to agree to that."

"Well that's the thing, he doesn't have to." I stopped right as we stepped up onto the sidewalk on the other side of the street. The hospital parking lot was bigger than it looked.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well I did some research while you were still unconscious. A person can request for custody of a child until they are 18 if they feel that the child is in idemdiate danger in the living conditions they are in."

"Wouldn't you have to say that I'm being abuse then," I said in a low voice.

"Not completely. I can explain that I see you with injuries and it seems as though your father hasn't done anything to help you or prevent whatever is going on. CPS might end up getting involved though."

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