Chapter 7

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Aiden's POV

What Blake did took me by surprise. I was sitting here in shock, not moving, his lips locked on mine. I didn't know what was going on, why he was doing it. "I want to fix it all." He said when he finally pulled away.

"Why did you do that?" I asked.

"What are you talking about?"

"Why did you kiss me? Are you playing some joke on me?"

"What? No. Of course not. I don't know exactly why I did it. I felt like it I guess." I looked down at my lap. I knew that the kiss couldn't have meant anything to him, so I knew better than to think so. I mean this is freaking Blake, the stuck-up jock who can get any girl he wants, we are talking about here. He's defiantly not into guys in any way.

"Look, Aiden." He said. "I mean actually look at me." He lifted my chin up to look in my eyes when I didn't look up. "I don't know what compelled me to do that. But I'm not saying I didn't want to, or that I regret doing it. I like you. I like you more than I have liked anyone before. And every time I saw you in the hall I would tell myself I'm not gay. I'm not gay in any way. But then what was this, this, this feeling that came over me whenever I saw you. So you know what?" I searched his eyes for something, for anything that would tell me of he was lying. "Maybe I am gay. Fuck it, I know I'm gay. I'm fucking gay as hell. For you at least."

There was nothing in his eyes, except an emotion I've never seen before. Maybe he was telling the truth, but I can't be so sure yet. "And give me a little bit to fix the school thing. I will talk to the guys tomorrow." I nodded. "I promise I will." He said and then pecked my lips. "And then maybe we can do something about at home?"

I shook my head. "I'm sorry Blake, but you can't fix everything."

"Hey, I'm not saying to turn him in or whatever, even though we really should. But get you out of that house." I bit my lip to keep tears from going down my face. "It's not safe for you there. I want you to be somewhere safe."

"I don't know Blake." I looked back at my hands in my lap. Blake pulled me into his chest.

"We'll figure something out. Now you should go shower. You still smell like beer. I nodded my head and got off the bed. "Go ahead and get in I will bring you a towel and some clean clothes."

I walked into the bathroom and stripped down and got into the shower.

Blake's POV

Once I heard the shower start I went into the back of my closet to hopefully find some old clothes that would fit him. Unfortunately my mom went through my clothes and donated all my old things to Good Will. I did find some new boxers though. I pulled one out of the package and grabbed random shirt to give him. I went to my mom's bathroom and grabbed a towel. I walked back to my room grabbed the clothes and walked to the batroom. I put the new stuff on the counter and grabbed his dirty things off of the floor. I went to the laundry room so I could wash them when my phone went off.

The shit (Leo): Bro, why aren't you here? We are going over party plans.

Me: Skipped today. Don't know of I will be going to the party. We need to talk also.

The shit: Dude you have to come to the party. When do we need to talk and about what exactly?

Me: Dude I really don't. And the sooner the better. You'll find out when we talk.

Shortly after I sent that text my phone rang. I picked up seeing it was Leo as I was putting the soap into the machine.

"Man you need to come to this party. It's going to be awesome."

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