Chapter 18 Messed Up

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I could hardly concentrate on the drive home. That being said, I stopped at a local coffee shop and decided to stay there for a couple of hours. I didn’t want to let the memories and the feelings fade. My mind wandered to the day Andy and I had just spent together. It was absolutely wonderful, I was at the beach, with a truck, a water gun, and my boyfr- Wait, was that what he was now? My boyfriend? He didn’t call me his girlfriend, but he didn’t exactly blow me off either. He took me to the beach, definitely a romantic gesture and with all of the kissing that was going on, we were definitely more than just friends.

I left the shop as a rush of people came in, and I was glad that I had decided to leave when I did. When I pulled into my driveway, I noticed that someone was sitting on the front porch.

It was David, and a very worried and slightly annoyed David at that.

“Hey Dave, what’s the matter?”

“What’s the matter?  Really Liss? You don’t show up to help set up for something we’ve been planning for months, leaving us a person short, letting our team down, letting me down,  and you ask me what the matter is. Maybe you can tell me what the matter is.”

I’d never seen David get angry before, and though his angry isn’t really that intense I could tell that he was more hurt than angry.

“Oh, Crap. I completely forgot about the open house. I was with Andy and I…”

“I should have known. This Andy kid decides to show up in your life again and acts like it’s nothing. Where was he the time that you slipped on the bleachers and had to be carried to the hospital, or the time when you didn’t get accepted into the college you wanted to go to and spent the night crying and playing video games, or the time when you had your wisdom teeth taken out and needed warm soup, or what about the time when you won your first debate tournament and your dark brown eyes opened so wide and you couldn’t help but smile the way you smile only when something truly amazing happens, the smile where the side of your lip trembles ever so softly and your dimple… Wh-what my point is, is the he hasn’t been here, and the second he showed back up all he’s done is mess things up.”

“Mess things up? What has he messed up?”

David hesitated for a second and his expression went from being angry to very gentle and vulnerable.

“Nothing. It’s just those days that he left you hanging, it was obvious that you were incredibly hurt, and Liss, let me just tell you that it killed me. It killed me to see you with your fake smiles pretending like everything was alright when clearly it wasn’t. He was the cause and there was nothing I could do to fix it. I felt completely helpless. All I could do was try to remind you of how special you were, yet my words meant nothing, since I wasn’t him.”

“I didn’t ask you to try and solve my problems”

“You never have to Liss. It’s just.. I… Oh, nevermind. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said all of that I’m just tired. I’ll see you on Monday.”


Hey guys! It's been forever since I posted, but here's another part of the story. I have more of Andy and Alyssa's relationship on the way, so don't worry.

You Love Me? (A Best Friend Romance) {COMPLETED}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora